- 注册时间
- 2002-2-12
- 最后登录
- 2024-12-21
- 生日
- 1979 年
- 居住地
- 广东 广州市
发表于 2005-4-27 17:46:15
致 Gantao 兄 小雅姐姐:他的样子确实挺有腔调的 ... 他总是很严肃认真的样子,连搞破坏也是一本正经地搞 ...
致 Hall 兄:今年广州春天的天气挺典型的,忽冷忽热,多雨。车仔是北极犬,理论上是怕热不畏寒的。
致 Colin 兄:沙发已经开始遭殃,发现一个小洞了,今晚要给他剪指甲才行 ...
致 素食主义兄:《狼图腾》是一本很好的书,帮我们洗洗脑,去掉一点血液里农耕文化的劣根性。
小 L 绝不是笨。我发现车仔的性格有两大特点,一个是倔强认真,一个是聪明机灵,简直是小魔鬼。教很多遍才会而且偷偷违反,是他们倔强的性格在起作用。这家伙用旺旺小馒头训练对 "Good" 这个口令的反应,一两次便牢牢记住,每次说都很有反应乖乖地摆尾巴坐好,但是每次都装作听不懂 "No" ...
前几天给他买了 Hartz 滴耳朵的药液,Double K 杏仁味的洗澡液,还有一块橡胶狗骨头,牛排味的。尤其是那块美国塑料狗骨头,比买两只鸡还要贵 !!
向小 L 问好!!
So...You Want a Siberian Husky
Are you interested in buying a Siberian Husky? Then, you've already heard how marvelous they are. We think you should also be told that they do have their shortcomings, and may not make the ideal pet for everyone who is attracted to them. Siberians are a gregarious lot and need the company of other dogs or of people at all times. If you work all day, or have room for only one dog . . . don't buy a Siberian.
While capable of strong affection for his family, the Siberian Husky is also very friendly with strangers. So, if you want the fierce loyalty of a one-man dog . . . don't buy a Siberian.
The Siberian Husky is not a watch dog, although those ignorant of his true nature may be frightened by his appearance. If you want a dog with aggressive guard-dog instincts . . . don't buy a Siberian.
At least once a year Siberians shed their coats. If you like fur all over the house and in the very air you breathe, then fine. If, however, you value neatness at all times, then . . . don't buy a Siberian.
Siberian Huskies have a natural proclivity for digging holes in backyards. If you take great pride in your landscaping efforts . . . don't buy a Siberian.
Of all the shortcomings to be found in Siberians, the most dangerous to the pet owner is their tremendous desire to RUN. But the very first dash that a puppy makes across the road could be his last run, anywhere. A Siberian, for his own protection, should be kept confined or under control at all times. If you are one of those people who think it is cruel to kennel a dog, or keep him confined in his own backyard . . . don't buy a Siberian.
We just happen to believe that any dog is better off in a proper kennel than running loose all over the countryside. Yes, a kennel dog is missing a lot in life: the chance to be hit by a car; the fun of being dirty, full of burrs, and loaded with worms; the opportunity of being attacked by other dogs; the joy of being sick on garbage infested with disease; the pleasure of being tormented by mean kids; the thrill of being shot in a farmyard; and finally the great comfort of never knowing where he belongs or how to behave. We don't want to see any Siberian become a TRAMP.
If you have read this far, honestly feel that you qualify on all counts, and are still determined to own a Siberian, then we take great pleasure in welcoming you to the fold. Join the rest of us in the smug complacency of knowing that we own the most beautiful, the smartest, the most nearly ideal dog in the world . . . the SIBERIAN HUSKY!
资料来源,Siberian Husky Club of America
[此贴子已经被LeslieNg于2005-4-27 17:46:15编辑过]