事实上,即使某些早已达成共识的观点,也或多或少会有人持反对意见,这个不奇怪。也就是说,“只有相对真理,没有绝对真理”,任何研究都是围绕真理的踌躇。 放P,你悄悄地找没人的地放~也罢了
Aspirin may increase stroke risk
Some healthy older people take aspirin to ward off strokes
Healthy older people who take regular aspirin to prevent stroke may actually be increasing their risk.
In the past 25 years the number of strokes associated with blood-thinning drugs such as aspirin or warfarin has risen seven-fold, a UK study found.
The risk is particularly high in the over 75s and aspirin may do more harm than good in healthy older people, The Lancet Neurology paper reported.
However, people advised to take daily aspirin by their GP should not stop.
Researchers at the University of Oxford compared figures on intracerebral haemorrhagic stroke - a type of stroke caused by bleeding in the brain - from 1981-85 and 2002-06.
They found that the number of strokes caused by high blood pressure had fallen by 65%, which in the under 75s meant the overall rate of strokes had halved.
"What our study suggests is that, particularly in the very elderly, the risks of aspirin outweigh the benefits
Professor Peter Rothwell
But in the over 75s the stroke rate remained the same over the 25-year period.
A closer look at the data showed there had been an increase in the number of strokes in patients taking blood thinning drugs, known as antithrombotics.
In the first study the proportion of stroke patients on antithrombotic drugs was 4% but two decades later this had risen to 40%.
Lifestyle choice
People with cardiovascular disease, who have a high risk of blood clot, are prescribed drugs like aspirin to thin the blood and reduce the risk of a heart attack or stroke.
But many healthy older people also take a regular aspirin in an attempt to ward off a stroke.
Study leader, Professor Peter Rothwell, said the increasing use of drugs such as aspirin may soon take over high blood pressure as the leading cause of intracerebral haemorrhagic stroke in the over 75s.
He warned than in healthy older adults the risks of taking aspirin may outweigh any benefits.
"GPs have been treating high blood pressure very aggressively and that is bringing dividends but there are other causes of stroke in the elderly which have become important.
"There are good reasons for taking aspirin or warfarin but there are elderly who take aspirin as a lifestyle choice and in that situation the trials have shown there's no benefit.
"And what our study suggests is that, particularly in the very elderly, the risks of aspirin outweigh the benefits," he said.
Dr Peter Coleman, deputy director of research and development for The Stroke Association said aspirin had gained a reputation of being part of a healthy lifestyle.
"However, this evidence indicates that if you are healthy and have a low risk of heart disease or stroke and unless advised by your GP to take aspirin on a daily basis then the increased risks from the side effects of aspirin are likely to outweigh the benefits of preventing a stroke."
He advised people to lower their risk of stroke by having regular blood pressure checks, eating a healthy diet, stopping smoking, only drinking alcohol in moderation, reducing salt intake and taking regular exercise. 医学研究中,相似的研究得出截然相反的结论,并不鲜见。因为有太多未能有效控制的混杂因素。所以便有了“荟萃分析”这个名堂,就是搜集所有类似的研究,再次进行综合分析,得出进一步的结论。
The effect of alcohol, tobacco, and aspirin consumption on seminal quality among healthy young men.Stutz G, Zamudio J, Santillán ME, Vincenti L, de Cuneo MF, Ruiz RD.
Institute of Physiology, Medical School, National University of Córdoba, Argentina. gstutz42@hotmail.com
In this study, the authors examined the effects of alcohol, tobacco, and drug use on plasma testosterone and seminal parameters (in accordance with the World Health Organization's standards) in healthy Argentine medical students (n = 34). Some alterations in seminal parameters were detected in 19 (56%) subjects. Alcohol and tobacco use were correlated significantly, p = 0.005; subjects who used these substances exhibited a nonsignificant reduction in sperm concentration, motility, viability, and normal morphology. There was a significant decrease in sperm motility among students who used moderate amounts of aspirin (i.e., > or = 500 mg/wk). The authors concluded that alcohol, tobacco, and aspirin use could have had detrimental effects on seminal parameters and that men who wish to procreate should be warned of such effects. Doses, exposure time, and interactions with other variables deserve additional study.
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你的论调,暴露出来的,恰恰就是“缺乏科学精神”。 我所看到的是50 million ,就是五千万,五千万 Americans 服用阿司匹林,Americans总共才多少人?可见阿司匹林“普及度”之高。除非American家庭医生和老百姓都是傻瓜,否则怎么会有这么多人服用?
即使某些早已达成共识的观点,也或多或少会有人持反对意见,这个不奇怪。正如全球都认为接种疫苗有助预防传染病,总体明显收益大于风险。也有人坚决反对,并且网上的反对声音还不少,欧洲还有专门的反疫苗联合会,整天游行示威,多数是疫苗受害者。 好了好了。外行装内行是中国人的通病。口水贴还请村长删除。