VERY EARLY DUNHILL DATING GUIDE by MICHAEL R. FRIEDBERG The Smoker’s Pipeline - July 15, 1989 - Vol. 6, Number 5 - Pages 13-14 (以下為節錄部份內容) Three minor historical footnotes. Most sources believe that the white spot first appeared in 1915, that at about that time a one year guarantee was issued, and that the shell finish was introduced in 1917. My information leads me to believe that the white spot was introduced in 1912 and the one year guarantee commenced in about 1921 (which is the reason for the date digit beginning in 1922). While the patent (No. 119,708) for the process to produce shell finishes is dated 1917, in fact the application was filed on October 13, 1917 and the patent was finally accepted on October 14, 1918. As a consequence, to my knowledge the production and distribution of shell briars began in about 1919.
SHELL製程的產品是於1917年完成的 而PAT. No 119708/17於October 13, 1917提出申請 又專利註冊碼是October 14, 1918公布
所以生產與銷售shell briars大約應於1919年起
在1921年開始就在D記煙斗上清楚的標明製造年份(但不是有系統並規範的使用) 而正式又有系統化的使用編年碼制度是於1925年
所以若無編年碼資料的D斗 我們可粗略的區分其應早於1921年
那麼萬寶路兄的這一把小軍插D斗 究竟是何年份呢??? 1919<小軍插D斗<1921 這樣是不是1920年的啊???
其實早年D記的編年碼 很多是先使用於BRUYERE之上 許多SHELL是無明確的記號 所以我們只有從其他的途徑來判斷年份
最後附上米國D斗達人的資料 有詳列出這把小軍插D斗的資訊 (其年份 與草民我判斷的與他相同)