i used to be a cigar afficionado, however prices of alluring and acceptable cigars in taipei is just unacceptable. this is the reason y i pick up the habit of smoking cigars. a box of 25 cohiba robustos will cost you 18000nt ,the price of A DUNHILL PIPE,which will only last me 2 month. dont get me wrong. i still enjoy cigars but my love for pipes is decidely unchangable now.
LeslieNg 试译:
在下以前是个雪茄客, 然而好雪茄在台北的价格简直就不合理, 这就是在下改抽雪茄 [烟斗?] 的原因. 一盒 25 支装的 Cohiba Robusto 要花我 18000 新台币, 相当于一把 Dunhill 烟斗的价钱. 而且, 仅仅两个月就消耗掉了. 请不要误会, 我仍然享受抽雪茄, 不过现在对烟斗的热爱, 已完全难改了.
[此贴子已经被LeslieNg于2002-11-27 18:24:20编辑过]