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1962 年 2 月 20 日
发表于 2012-8-5 20:54:46 | 显示全部楼层 |阅读模式

The Smoke of a life time

Meerschaum the Wonder of Asia isone of natures most Wondrous materials.
The story of meerschaum is one ofthe most interesting in the World.(especially to pipe somkers) Around the endof the third geological period, in What is today the area of Eskisehir, Turkey,great earthquakes occurred. There Was at this time large deposits of smallsealife, Which was thrust up to the surface, then through the actions of otherearthquakes and the glaciers these helped to bury this small sealife.
Some of Which is at a dept of 600 or 800feet.
Then as centuries passed, thisWondrous material Was discovered by Ancient Kings, who used it for their ownprivate use. (it Was forbidden for the common man)

But today around Eskisehir, Turkeyit is mined for the purpose of making pipes and fine Jewelery, and many otherthings of art.
The art of carving this Wondrousmaterial has been passed from father to son for the past 600 years. ThisWonderful material is especially good for making pipes.
Its porous make up, is duo to thecomprission of the small sealife, this poriferous is the reason that meerschaumpipes are a pipe smokers most treasured pipe.
This pipe was mined and handcarved in the city of Eskisehir, Turkey.
The care of this treasure isreally a minor item, take a small piece of cotton and dampen it with alcohol,and lightly rub the outside of the pipe This should be done when the pipestarts to show a little dirt on the outside, this plus normal care will keepyour treasure of Asia in good shape for many years.
After smoking your treasure for aperiod of time it will beging to change from ivory to a golden nut brown. Thelonger you smoke it the better it will smoke, not to mention the Wonderfullcolor it Will take.
Meerschaum is not a clay ormineral but is organic in origin, being the fossilized remains of minute seaanimals like coral There little animals died many millions of years ago, andthe remains of their shells Were compressed by earthquakes, washed overrepeatedly by the occean and by floods which depostied earth and rock on top ofthem, and were moved and shifted by floods and successive glacial movements.
Meerschaum is very light inweight and is one of the most porous substances found in mature Consquently itabsorbs nicotine and tobacco which are thus filtered in the meerschaum pipe.During the millions of eary, the outside part of the meerschaum stones orblocks has deteriorated so far that only the kernel of sound meerschaum it leftin the middle. The decomposed outer parts are 10 to 20 times that size of thesound kernel which is used for pipes.
Each pipe is deftly cut by handand has its own character.
It colorsgradually as it smoked, takeing on a rich brown color with the years. Themeerachaum is impregnated with wax which helps to give it the beautiful velvetyfinish for which meerachaum pipes are famous.
Each pipe has its own individual character given to it by the artisanwho made it. All mouthpieces pipes are fitted with bone mountings.

A meerachaum pipe should bebroken in much in the same manner as a briar pipe. For the first few smokes,thepipe should be filled only half way and the tobacco not packed too tightly.This way the outside of the bowl will color gradually from the bottom up,taking on an even, rich brown tone for years of smoking pleasure. The smoker iscautioned not to touch the warm bowl with his fingers as the moisture leftthere will affect the eventual coloring.
Meerachaum is light, resists tothe fire, has no smell, is very porous, absorbs very well the smell of tobaccoand when used blacknes giving a taste very much appreciated by smokers.
On account of its porosityMeerachaum is never wet but it is easier broken than biar. Some care istherefore necessary for Meerachaum Pipes.
Some advice for Meerachaum Pipesmokers:
1, Never put alcohol in the bowl.
2, Don’t use a sharp instrumentto clean the stem, you may pierce it.
3, Clean often the inside of thebowl, the tars of tobacco appearing as a crust are not what we call blackening.
4, Don’t hold the pipe by thestem striking the bowl into the palm of the other hand to shaks off the ashes.The stem will be certainly broken.
5, Don’t clean the inside of ameerachaum pipe when it is hot.
6, Bear always in your mind thefact that a meerachaum pipe is a very delicate object, it must be handledattentively.
The TUSA Collective Company knowsyou will enjoy your wonder of Asia for many years to come. Many happy hours ofsmoking to you.


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