- 注册时间
- 2002-2-12
- 最后登录
- 2024-10-30
- 生日
- 1979 年
- 居住地
- 广东 广州市
楼主 |
发表于 2010-8-15 00:57:10
在那边的帖子中我最后以最积极正面建设性的笔调,为去芝加哥的斗商朋友给出一些我认为有用的建议,如下 (有空再改译成中文):
- Never cease to enrich your product knowledge.
- Improve your English. Always add "I think", "we believe" before any statement, and be cautious when making assertive comments, even if they're private and you do mean no harm. On the other hand, hold your horses a little when exhibit friendship or respect, as Asian style humility and brotherhood can easily be misinterpreted by the Western Culture, where independence and personal space are signatures.
- Consider to diversify your portfolio when you source, such as trying to include more sandblast pipes, and supporting new talents. Even if you know these pipes may temporarily run slower and make less, they may help you broader your customer base and make your inventories look more sumptuous. It may be good investments, too, in future thriving relationships.
- Help make Chicago or similar shows better venues, as long as you can. For more veteran Chinese buyers, help fellow buyers know more about the ins and outs of the show. Furthermore, try to help buyers from other younger markets, such as Russian, Eastern European, and Asian new booms, because they may face similar challenges just like you do / did.
- Think of criticism and negative comments, no matter what, good ways for you to become stronger and savvier.
这次去人家那儿兴风作浪,起承转合都是多年经验的总结,都是为了整个群体的利益最大化而小心部署大胆进行的,有心人自然读得懂很多背后的含义。希望大家理解喜欢,起码我对结果感到非常满意。我想那个帖子的意义 (如果我们谈意义的话) 远非一般论坛耍嘴皮子那么简单,将对某些事物和关系产生长期深远的影响。 |