今天下午闲得发慌,无聊之余,把2004年存着的Samuel Gawith`s的Balkan Flake开罐。敲开盒子,扒开金色的垫纸,哇~~乌黑的布满白色糖霜的切片伴随着latakia独有的甜香从盒子里向我招手,好像在向我宣布“我已经长大成熟了”。哈哈~熟了是吗?熟了叔叔就把你吃掉!
羡慕楼主,既然如此,我也要多买些草用作存放 要是我自己的,我一定以为是霉了 看着我想起了我得海军切片,也是布满了糖霜,抽起来美极了! Gregory Pease 把这些东西刮下来粗略研究后发现居然不溶于水,所以肯定认为这不是糖霜。
不过我们懒点不求甚解说得过去,他嘛不把东西拿去化验室搞个水落石出好像说不过去 ;P
我的 SG Balkan Flake 也是这样,一买回来打开就白发苍苍了,和老头这罐差不多。 如果可能的话,尽量把一些感觉不错的烟草买了存起来(最好是原味的),几年后再打开,你的烟草必会给你厚重的回报的。 我认为不是发霉,
这个白色粉状物又不溶于水,看来也不是糖霜,真不知道是什么物质? 窃以为,应该是结晶析出的碱性物质,烟草含生物碱,其组成和含量对烟草感官品质和安全性具有重要影响,在某种环境下应该会结晶,呵呵,就像“白花花的盐碱地”。估计结晶相当于提纯,所以口感和对神经的镇静作用相对会强点,让人感觉很醇,很爽。 大伙儿看看这里:
6 ~ What are these crystals on my aged tobacco?
Answer: nobody really knows. But Greg Pease has some thoughts...
The crystals that appear on aging tobaccos are more likely something that is soluble within a narrow pH range. These crystals are not very soluble in water. As the tobacco ages, the pH changes, and some things that had previously been in solution may, and apparently do, precipitate out. But, from some very preliminary testing, it is almost certainly not sugar.
GL Pease, 2003-10-01
I don't think the crystals that form on tobacco are sugar. A long time ago, I did some messing around with some of the crystals I discovered in a tin of Virginia, a little analysis, and they did not behave like any sugar that would be in tobacco. They were not even soluble in water! At the time, I could neither harvest enough of them, nor did I have access to the necessary equipment to get a read on what they might be.
GL Pease, 2002-06-26
http://agingfaq.nocturne.org/aging.php#q6 SG的草都特别容易出霜,我抽过的几款:飞机,FULL V,巴尔干,SAM都是,估计是工艺上的原因