jt 发表于 2015-10-11 07:17:01

Practice makes prefect.

pipe smoking is a skill needed to be learned and with regular practise,they will learn to do it well.
If you do not smoke on a daily basisand your tongue isnew to the " hot air"treatment,
pipe smoking cannot be an enjoyable experience.

To compound to the problem,you have to deal with many variables.
We have different types of pipe,different varieties of type/ cut / blend of tobacco,
different ways to pack the pipe and different air temperature.

How do we get a good smoke out of our favorite tobacco can become a challenge.

if you practice every day, doing the same thing, inevitably you will do it well one day.

It just takes time.

pig1129 发表于 2015-10-11 11:32:30

唔pratice啦! 抽斗對於我黎講只係Hobby, 唔係Habit! 抽與不抽都無乜所謂!嚴格黎講其實唔抽都得!喺我感觀黎講, L同O係臭就係臭, 點樣去practice都係臭! 好似我而家每逢一個至兩個月先約埋三五斗友抽一次斗, 我反而仲Enjoy! 我覺得V同調味先係我杯茶!
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