較早前朋友送的煙草!暫時只試過Aged Burley, 入口非常濃烈既苦味, 到中段苦味又返出黎! 真搞笑!成斗煙好似飲緊中藥咁!至於633仲未試!
而Bold Kentucky我仲未有勇氣去試, 因為盒背已經寫到明係要experience piper先可以駕御, 而我喺Tobacco Reviews度見到好多點評都話呢隻草好堅, 好易醉煙!都係擺一排先 PH for Solani's aged burley is on the high side,you may feel a bit of "辣"
This " Bold Kentucky "is Danish style of Kentucky, reminds me ofUniversity Flake but not as strong as Irish Flake.
Among all the burley tobaccos, I love Peterson Perfect Plug, PH level just right, no tongue bite, not too sweet ....just perfect !
Easier burley tobacco to smoke I think is the Macbaren London Burley Blend, but is now discontinued.
I always travel with Macbaren Navy Flake,the strength is just nice and you can buy them in all corners around the world.One of the best burley at the affordable price.
好味好多價錢都唔係成正比既! I got it! But I.didn't feel any bit of spicy, just feel.bitter! My piper's friends also feel that, now I Put it away for aging!
Peterson Irish Flake I think is the most stronger tobacco, I saw my friend got nicotine sick after.smoked, its scared me!
You know I only smoke might be one or two bowl per.month only! I am.not ready to take it! HAHA!
Thank You So Much! Anyway, what is PH stand for Cigars and pipe smoking - high alkalinity8.5 to 9 PH
Cigarettes - lower alkalinity 5.2 to 4.5 PH
Saliva has a PH of 6 to 7 .
High alkalinity generally irritate the lungs,therefore it is almostimpossible to inhale.However it also hits your tongue like a blowtorch, any spike in PH creates irritation.
I have smoke Aged Burley for few years now , very nice burleyand Ihave never tasted bitterness in the smoke.
As for aging Burley…. Burley usually do not age as much,I doubt you can tell the difference anyway. I smoke some very old burley,it tastes almost the same like new to me ?It may possibly just me who feels that way.
Since everyone's body chemistry is different, this could explain why certain blends affect people differently.
I think Aged Burley and Irish Flake are too advanced for young pipe smokers.
You should try mac baren golden blend first
just my 2 cents
[ 本帖最后由 jt 于 2015-10-9 15:33 编辑 ] Ok! I got It! But how come my friend also taste Bitter of SOLANI Aged Burley, he is an experience piper over 10+ years! I.don't think that is the characteristics of SOLANI! But we taste the same, crazy 苦 ...
Aged Burley 我個人覺得 價錢 貴左D有點可有可無 既草
Macbaren D野 值呀:victory: 其實我係喺Youtube一個piper叫stuff&things佢做左個reviews, 跟住我叫朋友搵黎比我試試! 總括一個字“苦“! 633很厉害的,以前买过一直没抽,送朋友两盒,有次问味道如何,他说别提了,抽的我好恶心.......
后来开了一盒,然后才发现他说的恶心不是味道恶心,味道还是很不错的,是醉烟之后的恶心:lol 不过经过我坚持不懈的努力,终于都干掉了,以后再没买过 Wesley師兄!633暫時仲未試過, 打算放一陣子先! 暫時會令我醉煙只試過965, 我唔係好受得L草,還記得第一次抽完一整斗都無事!係唔受得L草既味道啫, 再下一次抽965就出事, 只係抽左幾啖就開始惡心, 作嘔, 我要即刻成斗倒左去! 自此之後我就肯定自己唔受得L, 就當我係唔識貨都好, 我打從心底裏真係唔鍾意L既臭味!
反而有啲師兄話第一次抽FVF會醉煙, 我第一次抽既V草就係FVF, 反而我無醉煙, 仲覺女弓木純!