这几个问题其实早已经被村友们讨论得太久也太多,确不是几句话、几个人随便就能说明白的,建议你花点时间多翻翻旧贴,会有不小收获的。 citic兄你好,謝謝你我以為應分2個層次而言第一層次要能通氣能保持煙草原味
第二層次就 有關個人品味
這問題 困擾以久 我吸一口煙草實在分不出是從 dunhillstanwellsavinelliB.C. karl erik那一支斗出來的 慚愧 慚愧余愚歟
但是 我的手發現劣質煙斗的確很燙手非常燙手(如 BBB)
我目前 早晚 必用 brebbia (上下班開車)雖然不到台幣1000但是似乎也不差
以下是引用斗客在2003-4-5 23:27:00的发言:Dr.Plumb抽久了也挺顺的。
但很明顯的 它太燙了 而且較表現不出菸草的味道跟層次 今天终于在上海烟斗客老兄那搞到了一只shell4109。我在那还看到一只Amber Root
这只斗和另外一只Tom Eltang被一个人一起买走了,这可是我下个月的计划啊...... Hi.Dunhill is over priced, period.But then it is the standard everyone refer too.Let me set this straight once and for all, most dunhill pipes (99% estimate) are not handmade.By the term handmade, a pipe has to be done by hand from start to finish.But almost all dunhill pipes are hand turned using lathe machine.Have anyone ever seen "handmade stamped on a Dunhill pipe"?I would like to see one.Of course there are exception, such as figure head, carved, some certain special edition, but they are extremely rare.
Point 2, dunhill does not care about grain physical appearance.As long as it does not have flaws and bald spot, the pipe is "First", and can be marketed as the root finish.I heard rumors that dunhill does not produce root finish anymore due to lack of quality briar.
Point 3.Not only dunhill, but all other makers as well, when you stain the pipe darker it is to hide imperfection, most commonly uneven grain coverage and unevenness of color of the briar.The exception to this is the chemical stain used by the Danes, such as Tom Eltang's double contrast, SBang's red, etc.The logic is simple, why hide a perfect straight grain so it doesn't show?
Lastly.Briar burls are creation of nature.It is not uncommon to find a sand pit opens up after smoking.So don't be surprised to find your thousand dollars dunhill or any other brands for that matter to show tiny flaws after smoking, after all there is no way the carver would have seen it.