- 注册时间
- 2002-2-12
- 最后登录
- 2024-11-21
- 生日
- 1979 年
- 居住地
- 广东 广州市
发表于 2003-3-23 15:10:44
在下认为消毒是必须的,使用酒精效果很好,而且没有漂白剂的怪味。但建议不要用高浓度(75% 就好),因为会凝结细菌和病毒表层的蛋白质,反而起不到消毒的作用。变暗哑完全不要紧的,只要再用棕榈蜡或喷蜡处理过的抹布擦一下就光泽照人啦。
P.S.: 不喜欢 Starbuck,用纸杯装的咖啡感觉上好不了哪里去的,而且 Starbuck 给我的感觉太 Commercial 了。在下以为:咖啡喝的是种感觉,除了欣赏咖啡豆的质量外。由于广州没有 Starbuck,所以先前对 Starbuck 的感觉与第一次体验的实际感受差异很大。有点像穿着一身光鲜西服去赴晚餐,结果发现地点是在麦当劳的滑稽感觉。碰巧前两晚读 the Myth of Excellence, 给在下读到这一段:
Fred's office sits next door to a Starbucks in midtown Manhattan. You have to pass by one of New York's thousands of street vendors selling coffee for a dollar or less to get to the Starbucks, where you can get the same size coffee for almost $4. Waiting until the morning rush was over, we entered the Starbucks -- Fred dressed in his midwestern best and Ryan bearded and clothed head to toe in black. The clerk watched us enter and must have noticed us talking to each other, since we were the only customers in the store. "I'd like a coffee," Fred said. The clerk rolled his eyes and, with a sign as palpable as the wind off a Jamaican Blue Mountain top, asked, "What kind of coffee?" "You know," Fred said, "a regular coffee." "You want a Colombian supremo?" the clerk asked, "Sure, I guess so," Fred responded. "What size do you want?" the clerk asked, by now avoiding any eye contact. "A large," Fred said. "Grande?" the clerk suggested. " Is that a large?" Fred asked. With a look of disgust, the clerk spit out, "We have four sizes: short, tall, grande, and venti." Fred, now completely confused, offered, "How large is tall?" This prompted a snort from the clerk as he grabbed and displayed a tall cup. "That's pretty small for a tall" was Fred's reaction. "Can I have the biggest one?" "Venti?" the clerk asked. "If that's a large!" Fred retorted, feeling his Detroit upbringing rising in his throat. Thankfully, Ryan intervened, and the process was mercifully completed.
The clerk turned to Ryan, smiled and , with a look that said, "Sorry you're encumbered by a philistine," asked, "What can I get for you, Sir?" "I'd like a grande misto," Ryan replied. "Certainly, sir," the clerk said, producing a perfect cafe au lait. "See you again," he said, pointedly ignoring Fred. On the way out, Fred asked, "So what's a misto? It's not on the menu." "It's a cafe au lait, and the Starbucks munu is a little like the prices at Tiffany -- if you have to ask, it's not for you," Ryan responded.
在下认为:这种 Snobbishness 出现在 Dunhill Store 还情有可原,出现在 Starbuck .... hypocrisy ... Am I wrong?