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小心! paypal可能在訛詐您的錢 ??
(台北斗友林君首發 敝人轉貼)
若您有在ebay跨國買東西,而且使用paypal付款的話,請注意以下內文 --
05/07 paypal RON**** 420935**** SG USD 144 4533
05/22 paypal L** 420935**** SG ( ) 4947
在2008 05/20 之前,都是05/07 那樣的帳單,有original payment USD$144,及應付轉換後台幣$4533,清清楚楚.
可是05/22 為何original payment USD$155 不見了 ??? (這只是其中一筆而已)
經詢問銀行,發現( ) 內竟是 USD$159.4 !!!!
天啊! PAYPAL竟然開始對買方付款人A錢了..
paypal 未經本人授權 , 先行將usd$155轉換為NTD,且匯率加了2.5%的貼水,
而後向國際MASTER 請款,而國際MASTER必定要再轉換為美金,
此時匯率回到正常未加2.5%,於是回沖後( )內的金額就為USD 159.4 ...
就這樣若我無發現,這次交易就被A了USD$4.4 ...
本人在PAYPAL已有3年多的經驗,之前在付款方面都沒任何問題,一直到2008 05/22 這筆交易以後才發現不對.
讓更多人可以發現自己是否有被PAYPAL 訛詐了.
感謝大家 .. 以上作於2008 , 06/10 .
PS: 以上某部份內文有發表於EBAY 的 PAYPAL專區,可是2小時後就被拉下來了,果真親兄弟也乎 !!
備註: 以下為PAYPAL客服中心之回應節錄
06/10 ,2008 . 第二封email
By viewing your PayPal account, I have found this was involved a
conversion charge inside. PayPal received a NTW from your bank side, and
convert to USD.
As you know, PayPal is not a currency dealer and therefore must purchase
foreign currencies from its bank. PayPal receives a quoted wholesale
rate from its bank [twice a day], and adds a 2.5% spread above this rate
to determine the retail foreign exchange rate that is applied to
customers who make a transaction that involves a currency conversion, or
a withdrawal of dollars by user to his local bank account.
I sincerely apologize for the inconvenience caused you.
06/10 ,2008 . 第三封email
We have recognized this issue you mentioned and we are investigating on
Since the investigation is undergoing, so we cannot give you a solution
on it. We sincerely apologize for the inconvenience caused to you and we
will give you feedback when this issue is work out.
06/10 ,2008 . 第四封email
I understand that you experienced the conversion loss because that
PayPal charged wrong currency.
I have forwarded a special request to our high authority and they will
give you a reply as soon as possible. Please wait patiently for their
reply how to resolve this issue.
I can not predict whether this problem will happen again if you make
payments but we will resolve this problem as soon as possible. |