「A Passion for Pipes」Blog by Neill Archer Roan
这是我最近常常看的一个十分精彩的烟斗博客。博主 Neill Archer Roan 很喜欢抽烟斗这是我们都可以想得到的,并不稀奇;而这个博客主要吸引我的地方是 Neill 的眼光相当毒,这较难得 (这可能多少和他从事音乐产业的工作有些关系)。在这个博客,他会点评一支他收下来的烟斗,或者说说最近发现的一家很有味道的斗店的见闻,又或者介绍炒更做斗柜赚钱买斗的穷美工及其作品等等。所有这些,都写得挺随意的,但总能以审美为主要视角入木三分旁征博引地将评语说到点上,说到刀口上;非常感性诗意而又不会过于浪漫悲情酸臭;带一点点市井智慧,但绝不流于市侩。他不随大流,很有自己的独特见解,而且写得非常幽默好玩,能紧紧抓住读者想像力、很帅很有创造性并带点儿优皮的写法,读起来比射精还爽,使人欲罢不能。
随手举个例子,在点评一支 Björn Bengtsson 的牛头犬时,他说道:“…… Taken together, the piece conveys a certain humor, stubbornness, and beauty. If Katherine Hepburn were a bulldog, this is what she would look like.” (总的来看,这支斗传递出某种幽默、固执以及美感,要是凱瑟琳·赫本<不是奧黛麗·赫本哦>是一支牛头犬烟斗的话,那她就会长成这模样。)
另外 Neill 偶尔会点评一下美国那边的各个烟斗论坛,或者议论议论对反吸烟运动的切身感受等等和烟斗有关的事情,都很好玩。
我是从 archives 从头读起的,读完一篇又一篇,困了,还是不自觉地点 "NEXT" ...
http://www.apassionforpipes.com/ 自认为英文水平已经达到或超过了义务教育之小学毕业,借助于英文翻译软件也来读一下啦。
谢村长提供。 看来主持烟斗论坛甚至博客都是不容易的,「A Passion for Pipes」不玩了,多可惜:
http://www.apassionforpipes.com/ ... ear_Readers%2C.html
Neill 写道:
Dear Readers,
Wednesday, April 22, 2009
This will be my last post. For A Passion for Pipes to exist, some passion inside me must exist to drive the content. There isn’t any.
Over the last several years I have devoted thousands of hours in researching and writing about pipes, especially North American artisans, who I developed a special interest in and a collection around. I have since received comments and messages that indicate that my work here is no longer appreciated by many of the artisans whose work I championed.
To those of you who have been loyal readers, thank you. Your comments, email messages, encouragement and support have been much appreciated. The dialogue between us and among you was so interesting to me. I will always cherish my time reading what you wrote.
It’s amazing that this blog generated thousands of readers. Based on your emails and notes, a number of you were moved to buy pipes and grow your collections based on what you read. That was the point - to create a place where the community of collectors could engage with one another and engage with the work. I’m glad that happened.
In candor, this is not a place where the politics of the community will tolerate critical dialogue. I’m not particularly interested in limiting my own writing to gushing about this or that artisan. In an environment of constant praise, praise means very little.
There are some amazing people working as pipe artisans to be sure. They deserve your support and admiration. I wish you and them well.
我发现有可比性的不少国内外雪茄、红酒、红木、钢笔、烟斗论坛,站长都太他妈的弱势了,整得自己像个傻逼似的。有空来「烟斗村」看看啊 ... 村長的確夠硬
村長加油! 哈哈,我也凑热闹跑去开导敏感脆弱的美国人了,好事的村友快去看啊。喜欢读这个博客的朋友,也请去给他打打气吧——他改变主意复出最好,不行的话也算义气写了个悼词。
Leslie Ng
Oh Neill, you must have been a Four in Enneagram ;-P
Seriously, you have done a terrific job over the years, and I'm a loyal reader and have been encouraging Chinese pipe smokers to come join you. This really is bad news for all of us.
I can fully understand your position, as the webmaster of PipeVillage.org for the past 8 years, and I'm dealing with Chinese ;-) I can say I've "been there while almost done that" for many times. What I learned was, there're a lot to learn and get over with, during the course of hosting a popular pipe site / blog. The chief enemy has always been your own self. Tune up your ego, come back again, and express yourself in your own manner, do make some critical comments every now and then (though with caution) and bust the bastards when you really want / need to.
Ever remember you complaining, in one of your past entries, that pipe smokers nowadays are too sincere, too gentlemanly, to stand out?
Friday, April 24, 2009 - 03:56 PM
Leslie Ng
In the movie, Righteous Kill, there's a statement put by Robert De Niro (Al Pacino, actually ...) as follows:
"Most people respect the badge, everyone respects the gun."
I think it's very correct when it comes to fine-tuning webmaster-psychology.This was the reason that you felt you couldn't get through another day as the host of A Passion for Pipes, I also believed.
For instance, recently I've been busy tearing down a major American tobacco blender, C&D, in my turf, for good reasons. Guess what? This has done a significant impact in the entire Chinese pipe smoking community-Most of my folks felt it a stigma taking, holding, or smoking a tin of C&D, and many of them were thinking about returning the sealed tobaccos they're still holding, to their local tobacconists! I deem it a great cause, and great fun, simultaneously.
That's one of the secretes to survive long, both for myself and for my pipe portal.
Saturday, April 25, 2009 - 04:52 AM 報告村長,我原想響應一下去留個言
但我看"太紧张了,下手要快 Luciano"這串文
是真的配服村長能把持自己創村原則,經營這村這麼久 老兄谬赞了 愧不敢当 I am also very sorry and surprised at this sudden turn of events.
I have not even finished reading all his postings on the blog.Always thought there will be more time.
[ 本帖最后由 jcats 于 2009-5-18 16:54 编辑 ] 在第二个 comment,咱算是欺负美国人欺负到他们家门口了,C&D 那老头子要是知趣的话就乖乖装做看不到 (估计很难,肯定有一堆好事的人不停好心告诉他那个难缠的中国人 Leslie Ng 跑到美国来在你老人家头上撒尿了,然后给他网址为证 ;P ),否则俺再花半天工夫将 那篇毁 C&D 的文章 精心翻译润色成英文,像当年蒙古人一样打到他娘的英语世界去!
对了,在那边这样的语境下提起扯下 C&D 的事情,绝大多数悲愤交加的读者都会下意识地将 逼 Neill 关掉博客、Neill 很不爽但又不好意思骂的忘恩负义的坏蛋与 C&D 不自觉等同起来,一颗药丸起码达到三颗的效果 :lol