弄了一袋,很高的LATAKIA,很好抽。下面是介绍:This is the story straight from Craig Tarler and Greg Pease. I think its great when two "competitors" collaborate on a project. Read on.. "History: Back in October of 1999, Gregory Pease stayed with us during a short vacation. Of course, when two tobacco blenders get together, talk will turn to tobacco. During one of our little day trips into the beautiful North Carolina countryside, we talked about how much fun it would be to collaborate on some blends. Later that evening over a bottle of fine single malt, the idea for "Two Friends" tobaccos began to take shape. After a couple months of planning, with two per day phone calls, recipe ideas bouncing back and forth over email, lots of experimenting, and a little good natured arguing, the brand was born. About the blends, Greg says, "These are wonderful. Neither of us would have done them alone, but there was a synergy to our efforts, a merging of the minds. Each of our unique styles comes through, but they work together, like two friends should." The label art depicts a wonderful old tobacco shed in Valle Crucis, NC. Greg took the photo, and we all thought it would be great for the label. We're really excited about this collaboration, and look forward to working together on more blends! "
这个故事来自克雷格泰勒和格里高力匹斯。我认为这件事的伟大之处在于两个市场竞争者能在一个项目上进行合作,写到。。。“历史:回到1999年的十月,格里高利匹斯当时和我们在渡一个短假,当然,两个烟草调配师在一起,谈话自然会回到烟草上来。在那个北卡罗来纳美丽乡村的短暂旅行中,我们一直在谈论如果能在烟草调配上进行合作会有多么的有趣。晚上,当一瓶单麦芽威斯基被干掉的时候,关于“TWO FRIENDS"这款烟草的雏形想法就形成了,接下来两个月的计划,每天两次的电话联络,以及对配方的反复探讨,反复的EMAIL,无数的试验,以及有益的争论,新的品种终于诞生了。关于这个品种,格里高说:太好了,我们两个中的任何一个都不能单独完成它,它是我们共同努力的成果,是共同智慧投入的结果,虽然我们两个的风格迥异,但我们共同努力,就像两个朋友那样”标签上的图片来自于格里高拍摄的一处位于Valle Crucis, NC.的非常好的历史悠久的烟草仓舍,我们都认为拿它作为这款草的图标再合适不过了。我们都为了能有这次合作而激动不已,同时期待能有更多的合作调配烟草的机会。。。。
[ 本帖最后由 _marlboro 于 2008-1-8 11:44 编辑 ] 之前的笔误,写成了MCC....:L 不知道兄弟抽的是哪种??Two Friends Valle Crucis?? 回楼上的:是DEACON'S DOWNFALL