英文高手請幫我看看,最近要交英語課作業Presention我寫了一篇有關於"Making BRIAR pipes"
請問村內的先進有人可以幫我修改一下好嗎:L :L :L
(PS. 只有十分鐘的介紹時間,不要改的太長了,會說不完)
Good morning, ladies and gentlemen. My name’s Anger Huang. I’m the EMR Facility engineer and I hope you won’t give me too hard a time for make this presentation about making briar smoking pipe
Now, I am going show you briar pipes and some pipes figures for everyone views.
I can see many of you are very busy, so I plan to take only fifteen minutes of you time this evening.
I have divided up my presentation into five parts.
First, I will begin with the briar wood of pipes material.
Second, Making the pipe.
Third, Fitting the Stem
Final, Staining and Waxing the pipes
Briar wood of pipes material
Briar wood
The briar is a bush that grows in all forests of the mediterranean area, from Greece to Argelia including Italy, France, Spain and Morocco. This bush develops a ball-like root which is cut in blocks (plateaux and ebauchons). Extra-Extra Plateaux are the best briar block available. They have either straight grain or bird eye everywhere and the grain has a radial structure.
Vulcanite & acrylic
Now, let's talk stem materials. Most briar pipe stems are composed of vulcanite (hard rubber) or acrylic. All most time I use pre-shaped vulcanite stem blanks made in presses that only require final shaping, sanding, bending and polishing. They are available in a wide variety of styles and sizes both for standard shaped pipes and freehand.
Making the pipe
Drill Tobacco hole & Air hole
The first step in actually making your pipe is drilling the air hole and mortise and the tobacco hole. I first drill the tobacco hole and mortise and then the air hole. If the depth and angle of the air hole are accurately controlled, meeting the tobacco hole exactly in central of the bottom.
Shaping pipes
When the drilling is finished, you are ready to begin shaping your pipe to its finished contours. Briar burl is a very hard wood, and you will quickly removing large stock for rough shaping with a sand dish grinder machine. And then you may choose among several tools to fine shape the pipe. Like the Wood carvers knife、Files、Electrical handle grinder、Sand paper grit 100 & 240.
Fitting the Stem
I have left for last the subject of fitting pipe with a stem so that you can actually smoke it. However, you can decide to make a standard stem or extend material stem.
So, First step making tenon of stem by lathe or using turn stummel tools. And then sander it to a smooth finish using only the fine grits of sand paper (320,400 and 600). Put the stem in your kitchen oven set to a temperature of 270 degrees F for 10 or 15 minutes or until the stem gets soft enough to easily bend. Last polishing stem on a motor-driven buffing wheel charged with tripoli.
Staining and Waxing the pipes
The final step in preparing pipes for use is to apply a stain. Many pipes will be enhanced by a stain that brings out the grain or simply changes the color. Pipe makers use alcohol- based stains that are available in a myriad of hues and shades. When the pipes is dry after a minute or so, I burnish it with a buffing cloth wheel to remove excess stain and to lighten the stained surface to the desired shade.
I recommend pure carnuba wax for buffing your pipes on a motor-driven buffing wool wheel.
I hope my presentation would be for everyone had about pipe making knowledge. And then could be had a self-make pipe. 俺不帮你,因为前几天俺辛辛苦苦说烟斗是否翻新的时候,你也站边上没帮俺……
[ 本帖最后由 willieyang 于 2007-6-10 07:21 编辑 ] 原帖由 willieyang 于 2007-6-10 07:19 发表
有沒有人幫忙一下,下星期要交作業了 换条龙老大 这篇稿子用这种受众正常可接受的语速来讲,10 分钟是应该是讲不完的。讲完了还有时间剩,比讲不完要好。看来得提炼提炼。另外感觉术语太多了,外行看热闹,有趣便可,他们要的和我们给的可能是两回事喔。
$.02 原帖由 LeslieNg 于 2007-6-12 00:35 发表
换条龙老大 这篇稿子用这种受众正常可接受的语速来讲,10 分钟是应该是讲不完的。讲完了还有时间剩,比讲不完要好。看来得提炼提炼。另外感觉术语太多了,外行看热闹,有趣便可,他们要的和我们给的可能是两回事 ...
急需~~~~~~~~~;P ;P ;P 换条龙兄是老村友了,有用得上小弟的地方哪有袖手旁观的?一开始就挽起袖子,将输入法变成英文了 ... 可是后来看到原来这居然只是英文课作业!! 那又不一样了--可能以前读书的时候拒交作业的劣根性又无声无色地从骨髓里冒出来了,也可能是对老师的理解太深刻了,加上我这种龟毛的完美主义者要动手改而且贴出来,总不能胡乱插插花留下话柄遭人嘲笑我半桶水,然而要修改到滴水不漏的话,要花好些时间了。除非是龙哥有特殊的原因,例如疯狂暗恋英语老师并且发誓要用巨牛无比的英语作业来追她(那下一步又得先贴贴英语老师的玉照,爷们评评是否值得了),否则这种平常闹着玩的作业,还是自己锻炼锻炼比较好,毕竟我一动手,东西就是我的不是您的。等以后来真家伙过不了关问题就超级严重的时候我再两肋插刀好了,人情是有次数的,在这种小事情上用掉了多划不来 ;P
回复 #6 LeslieNg 的帖子
村長大人如果可以幫忙~~~絕對立即上傳"玉照"讓你認識:lol :lol :lol 龙哥还不死心哇?哼,难怪最近总潜水,原来心思放在打着学习英文的幌子泡英语老师啊?一早就看出这件事可疑 ...
好文章其实是修改出来的 ... 不过不妨先看看我的初稿。演习的时候如果发现 10~15 分钟讲不完就将不喜欢的部分掐掉就行了。
Good morning, ladies and gentlemen. I'm Anger Huang, an EMR facility engineer. Do you have any idea about a SMOKING PIPE? (停顿 5 秒) Today I'm going to show you the INTERESTING process of making a smoking pipe -- maybe you can even try it at home, provided you have the right tools.
This presentation ONLY takes 15 minutes.
Part 1 -- Material
Do you know what kind of wood we conventionally use for making a pipe? (停顿) It's something uncommon named "BRIAR BURL". The bushes of briar grow around some dangerous cliffs, as well as forests, all over the Mediterranean countries, such as Greece, Argelia, Italy, France, Spain and Morocco.The burls down under the soil are cropped, cut into blocks, graded, and properly cured, before we can use them. There're BREATH-TAKING grains with briars. They're EXTREMELY BEAUTIFUL, in form of flame grains, and birds' eyes.Not only do they look appealing, but briars can stand with high temperatures, as we light up tobacco in the pipes. Finally, briar pipes are very durable too, as long as we know what we are doing.
Part 2 -- Stems
We use some specially formulated rubber called Vulcanite, and Aryclic, in making the stem of a pipe. There're numerous nice patterns and colors with the stem material, too. Making a good stem is a VERY COMPLICATED ordeal, therefore I almost always use pre-formed ones in skipping the hassles. That way I can focus more on the very next part -- drilling and shaping the pipe.
Part 3 -- Drilling and Shaping
When it comes to drilling the airway, mortise and smoking chamber of a pipe, THIS IS NOT A DRILL! It takes a lot of thoughtfulness, concentration, and of course accuracy, in achieving the results of smooth air flow, and cool smoke, which are some of the most vital criteria of a gorgeous pipe. After drilling, I use sand disc grinder, files and sand papers of different grits, in gradually bringing a good-looking pipe into life. BELIEVE IT OR NOT, there's no exaggeration for calling a pipe maker a pipe sander, so you get the idea. After making the tenon connecting the stem and the wood, I further fit them into a PERFECT, HARMONIOUS ORGANISM.
Part 4 -- Staining and Waxing
This is one of the most TRICKY parts.After buffing the pipe, I use alcohol-based stains in giving subtle and beautiful colors to the pipes. In most cases, we use black, brown, mahogany, red, orange, or tan color, but very occasionally I've seen some WEIRD blue and green pipes. The staining process is also considered some TRADE SECRETES of a pipe maker. Staining can make or break a pipe maker's reputation. As we finish staining the pipes, we give it a final magic touch, by waxing it, using carnauba wax.
The above are how the pipe smoked by SHERLOCK HOLMES was made, in overly simplified terms. If you would like to know a little bit more about smoking pipes, just come to me. Thank you!
回复 #8 LeslieNg 的帖子
決定用這篇文章,再做局部修正即可交作業了:lol :lol :lol
ps. 玉照的事情我會儘速上傳,現手頭上沒有照片的圖檔,要先找別人要 呵呵 之所以不先敲诈照片再动工,就是怕 ... 万一英语老师不是我喜欢的类型的话,就没心思写下去了。还是保持一点神秘感比较好,道理就好像 ... 柯柏文 (Optimus Prime!) :lol