哪位大侠知道这是什么草,什么口味? 大不列颠 NO.7号原味草,以金色维吉尼亚为主零星的加了几片神秘的切片 原帖由 愚人船 于 2007-1-23 03:26 发表
大不列颠 NO.7号
Mixture No. 7
"Made in Germany," proclaims the label. This is a distinctly aromatic tobacco in the pouch that is dry and clean to the touch in a way that old Captain Black could never imagine. "Clean" also describes the slightly perfumy and fruity aroma that, after a while, one might conclude is peach- or apricot-based. It comes in a medium-length, medium-width, ribbon cut with some shorter, broken bits. The overall colour is a light, golden brown, punctuated by flecks of darker and lighter tobaccos. One of the excellent features of this blend is that it is truly mild and mellow. Unlike many milder tobaccos, this one produces a rich, medium-bodied smoke of decent volume, and it doesn't burn hot or start smoking wet after the halfway point. And although it is an aromatic, the fruit flavour is not syrupy at all and is subdued enough that one can taste some of the mild tobacco underneath. My guess is that the base includes both Virginias and light burleys, as well as a touch of black cavendish. After half a bowl of this, the fruit flavour diminishes significantly, leaving a slightly sweet, plain-cavendish taste that I personally enjoy. It burns down to a fine salt-and-pepper ash. If you are attracted to milder tobaccos, but find that they sometimes bite too much, this one might be worth a try. Unfortunately, it isn't common in North America, but you can order it from Dan Pipe in Germany. Thanks Ken for introducing me to this.
[ 本帖最后由 CapBlack 于 2007-1-23 18:30 编辑 ] 抽过,感觉一般,我买了三盒,只抽了一盒,还有两盒都转掉了 不是英式草,而是香香的原味草,很多斗客会毫不犹豫的将其归入调味草的行列,尽管其成分中并未添加糖浆这类的物品。