Dunhill Silver Snake
sorry i have to post this in english. it is because i am in london now and is unable to find a computer which has chinese. my question is ...is there a pipe call the"silver snake" from dunhill. i think i saw it on one of the web sites but the ppl in dunhill told me they never made a pipe with this name. although i felt a little stupid but i am sure i have seen a silver snake pipe some where b4 which is made by dunhill. one other thing. i have been to the head store of dunhill and they have a selection of tabaccos(baby's bottom, white spot, ...........) which is exclusive to the store. the price is 10£ after tax. since it is rare for me to be in london, i have puchased 20 different kinds of tabaccos which u can only purchase in this store. i will be happy to share with you guys when i get back to taipei in jan. canada in Feb. or china in april. bye the way... there r many pipe and tabacco stores in london but there is only one head store of dunhill. i will post the complete address when i get back to taiwan because it can get a little confusing. The Silver SnakeTo: Freak
Yes, you do have seen the Dunhill Silver snake on the web site called:
you could re-check it again, if you want to.
[此贴子已经被作者于2002-12-8 22:04:38编辑过]
To: Freak
I think that pipe (silver snake) should be a rare collection, there were
many many many many many many rare dunhill pipes which we never
saw before even our bodies immersed in this pipes pool
24hrs / 365 days / ....
I didn't think a dunhill shop staff who knew every dunhill pipes,
especially some rare dunhill pipes , and even in Duke St.
there is a website who introduces some rare dunhill and Castello pipes
for collection and you will surprise how could be!!
Note: 「Dunhill Silver Snake」was made in 1969, Shape: ODA 845 with
F/T(Fish Tails Mouthpiece) and decoration by 925 silver with traditional
AD mark. This information was from the owner, Kevin.
[此贴子已经被作者于2002-12-9 17:04:20编辑过]
[此贴子已经被作者于2002-12-9 17:06:55编辑过]
Yes, I totally agree with Mr. Kitten that over the years there're thousands of rare collectibles around, of the legendary brand. We might see some back and forth on Ebay.
Recently, Royal has luckily obtained a Dunhill Wind-shield Pipe, which has historic meanings. Let's figure out what it's all about soon.
Dear Freak: I'd have purchased more if I were you. Looking forward to your reviews on the exclusive hand blended mixtures from the St. Jermyn. 我就在Dunhill, London旁上班, near Ritz hotel。那有34種不同的手工煙草。還有一種是11月到1月才有的X’mas Mix, which is blended with whiskey for the holiday seasons。還有站長提到的White Spot, Baby’s bottom and #73…….. 還有一種叫Marc’s Mix。我想Marc Borrow應該是Dunhill 的經理。一支X’mas斗在台灣賣38000nt。但在London 是28000nt. 真是不該在台買那麼多Dunhill斗啊!!!! Love Dunhill 的我發覺 Ireland 的 Peterson 也不錯。價錢也比Dunhill cheap。這趟London行讓我覺得有些英?人非常 Snobby. 就好像 Dunhill 的staff. Since 我不讓他看不?華裔的顧客,我再40分花了4658USD. 你們該看看他的臉。我想他一輩子沒想到一個穿球鞋, sweat shirt的黃種人會花4000+在Dunhill 吧. After that, he was much more helpful. 我也told him “「Dunhill Silver Snake」was made in 1969, Shape: ODA 845 with F/T (Fish Tails Mouthpiece) and decoration by 925 silver” 真該thank小貓二三隻 and Leslie for the helpful information. To freak,
你說:「一支X’mas斗在台灣賣38000nt。但在London 是28000nt. 真是不該在台買那麼多Dunhill斗啊」。你在說的是那一年的??Dunhill每年的X'mas斗標價都不同,差距高
達一萬多!!! 據消息說,Dunhill今年的X'mas就標得很高。
而96年我在台灣買的Dunhill X'mas也不過22,000..
以下是引用小貓二三隻在2002-12-19 18:43:25的发言:
To freak,
不會吧!! 九二的賣價跟去年一樣, 也是標 NT$38,000....老客人再打八折!! TO 小貓兄:
剛剛逛到凱文的網站....我想您所說 Dunhill 今年的 X'mas 價格拉高是從凱文看的的吧?
我覺得...還是不予置評好了, 各人有各人的經營方式....
我的 Dunhill X'mas 斗都是從九二那訂購的, 2002的 X'mas 我早在九月中就拿到了(是九二賣出的倒數第二隻, 他們進幾隻我從來沒問過, 但決對不是像凱文說的今年台灣配額為零); 外包裝盒從往年的墨綠色改為深棕色, 據九二說是因為 Dunhill 已將煙斗部門賣給 Cartier 的關係...真相如何? 我沒去追究, 僅供參考... 九月就拿到了?我記得Dunhill官方網站到十月才公佈今年的樣子。
另外,九二說是因為 Dunhill 已將煙斗部門賣給 Cartier?? 難以置信??? 不太可能....
[此贴子已经被作者于2002-12-20 3:01:01编辑过]
to 小貓兄:
應該是九月在天水店買的沒錯, 我是用信用卡付帳的, 十月繳卡費 (我沒記錯的話), 若有誤的話敬請見諒....
我說過每個人的經營手法不同, 我不便置評; 只是您若仔細看過我上篇留言應該覺得某些店的廣告用語和事實.....嗯 這點是我所不能認同的!!
至於價格多少我認為沒必要在此口水, 事實上在台灣這個斗草價格紛亂的環境中, 我個人認為在價格上只要不是太離譜, 我並不十分介意; 應該說無奈吧--- 一笑 --- (在 199x 年我曾見過有某家店它們所標的 X'mas 斗價格為 NT$50000; 另外還看過一隻 Dunhill DR ***** 的斗要價 NT$120000); 當然了, 這是每個人對事的看法; 我不敢奢望每人都認同....
最後一點關於 Cartier 是否真的買下 Dunhill 我上次留言也說過那是因為我對今年 X'mas 的外包裝顏色(是最外面那個硬紙盒 不是像書本那個裝斗的皮面盒子)不同有所疑惑時, 九二的說法; 事實如何我沒再追查, 這是我的過錯, 也許我上次沒說的很明白, 誤導您了, 罪過罪過.....
PS1: 年紀大了, 老眼昏花. 把原來黑色的硬紙盒說成墨綠色; 在此一併更正...
PS2: 再次聲明, 我對台灣的任何一家斗草店絕無認何偏見, 僅僅就事論事; 若有得罪某人在此先行謝罪. 阿彌陀佛.....