斗身上刻有EHRLICH SELECT几个字样,店家说这是一把英国烟斗。在斗村和网上都没找到这种斗的介绍,不知这到底算是个什么斗?烦请各位大侠给予指教。谢谢! 热身场很多帖子没人回,前辈多不会来这里看的 Ehrlich pipes are from the Ehrlich Pipe Shop in Boston, Mass. Its history goes back to 1868, and it is officially the David P. Ehrlich Co., a family owned shop. "Since David's death in 1912 it has been owned by his nieces and nehpews including Richard A. and William Ehrlich." info provided by Ehrlich Company. Ehrlich pipes are a cut above, according to the pipes dot org pipe discussion group - here is a sampling "Ehrlich was a nice pipe and tobacco store near Leavitt & Pierce in Boston when I used to visit it in the 1970s. ... They are all good quality, conservative style pipes with either minimal fills or none at all and good grain, if not spectacular." Originally David made all the pipes, but now most are imported from overseas name brand makers.這是從ebay找回來的為一有介紹ehrlich pipe的資料,但是來自美國的pipe shop
另外還有一種是丹麥的EHRLICH pipe在斗身上打EHRLICH 及 make in denmark
最後一種就是EHRLICH SELECT,也是不知那裏出品
簡單來說,Ehrlich是家位於波士頓的煙草店,他們委託其他煙斗工廠生產打上自家商標的煙斗,而代工廠遍及英國、法國、丹麥與義大利。而如同換條龍兄所言,Ehrlich煙斗品質都還不錯,價格也公道。 感谢几位仁兄的指教,真是长了不少见识。再次表示感谢!谢谢!!!! 求助:由哪位老兄用过保时捷斗?能否介绍一下感受?