[求助] 诚请村友推荐『原味烟草』(不含Latakia滴)
[求助] 诚请村友推荐『原味烟草』(不含Latakia滴)我一直喜欢『调味烟草』(药房烟草),最近突发奇想,想再次尝尝『原味烟草』的魅力,但是又怕受『伤害』。因此有请村内前辈、同志,推荐几款入门的『原味烟草』(千万不要含有Latakia滴,我就是被它的骚味吓怕的),当感激不禁。
w.o.larsen no20微量LATAKIA元素,适合原味入门用.
http://www.pipevillage.com/newforum/dispbbs.asp?boardID=3&RootID=16065&ID=16065 dunhill standard mixture mild,绝对不会有问题 万分感谢两位大侠的无私分享与指导,待偶去树树…..
Anyway, 谢谢大家的爱护。预祝大家Merry Christmas!
Bjarne Flake De Luxe
A Great new addition to Bjarne's fine tobacco line. The tobacco consists of several types of Virginas and a little secret. It is just perfect. 50 gram Tin
Solani '633' Virginia Flake
Blend 633 - A classic flake with bright Virginias and perique. This cool, slow burning blend has a natural sweetness and a wonderful room aroma.
Exclusiv Royal
A truly majestic tobacco. Extremely fragrant bouquet. The granulate is loosened after pressing to do full justice to the sweet, mild Virginias, the aromatic, toasted Burleys and the full-flavoured Orientals. Certified mild to the tongue.
ASHTON Golden Flake
Hergestellt aus Red Mottled Virginia und Carolina Leaf, versetzt mit etwas Turkish Havana und mittelstarkem Kentucky. 以下是引用新宿猎人在2004-12-2 17:50:53的发言:
Dunhill Standard Mixture Mild:This traditional English smoking mixture consists of the finest grades of pure tobacco. Cyprus Latakia and oriental tobacco from the Mediterranean have been blended with flue-cured grades from East Carolina and Georgia, and lightly toasted in a drying drum to enhance the flavour. It is one of the most popular tobaccos, and provides a cool, rich, characteristic smoke. It is equally suitable for long-time pipe smokers and beginners. 50 gram tin
w.o.larsen no20:Fully ripe Virginia tobacco is improved to Black Cavendish and toasted with a little Latakia.Loose Leaf. By the special cut way, the Loose cut, the mixture burns down slowly and cool and offer a fine, smoky taste experience 感谢big_cob兄不吝指正,看来这条学习之旅还挺漫长的,将虚心的向各位前辈受教 猎人兄太客气了~~~
[此贴子已经被作者于2004-12-3 13:23:39编辑过]
三人行,必有我师焉,『闻道有先后,术业有专攻』,针对原味烟草,我可是个标准『门外汉』,努力学习中….. CD系列的石楠狐狸,全部的Virginia,不错的选择!