epos 发表于 2004-10-29 18:35:16




观音 发表于 2004-10-29 21:08:37


[此贴子已经被作者于2004-10-29 21:08:37编辑过]

LeslieNg 发表于 2004-10-31 00:59:03


对于您提出的话题,聊聊我的看法。Dunhill 应该是新斗上手,口感就相当好的为数不多的品牌之一。Castello 也许需要多额外几斗的过程,才能进入状态。这些都是很个人的看法和迷信,不具有客观的参考价值。曾经看过一篇英文的文章,提及 Blind-testing,也就是闭着眼睛品味吸烟感受,不知道烟斗的品牌。结果是,其实我们的确加了很多的品牌附加值和先入为主观念进我们对吸烟质量的理解。

我认为,烟斗好不好抽,和烟斗休息的状态有关,和烟草湿度和装填好坏有关,和身体状况味蕾状态,甚至和心情也很有关。GL Pease 的网站有一篇文章,好像谈及有一次他觉得一斗烟抽起来很糟糕,立即把这款也是常抽的烟草倒出来,换另外一种常抽的烟草,结果非常好抽。(您可参阅 http://www.glpease.com/Articles/index.html ,看完这些文章,我想您会就这个话题受到不少启发)。我想关于味觉的影响因素太多了,甚至想起来有些神秘。只是,过多地去探源,可能也就不好玩了。

对于抽烟对木质纤维等的影响,我想到 Rick Newcombe 先生的《IN SEARCH OF PIPE DREAMS》,在 Estate Pipes 的话题中讨论的究竟烟斗有没有寿命的概念这个话题。这里我不转述,将原文相关的段落打字节录给阁下参考:

One other issue that needs to be addressed is the question of how long a briar pipe will last. Many American collectors answer that the pipes effectively will last forever -- because there is no way to smoke them so much that they stop functioning. But I think this is wrong.

Lars Ivarsson and Jess Chonowitsch, two of the greatest pipe makers in history, argue persuasively that the pores of the wood become clogged or totally "filled up" with repeated smoking. If you were to cut such a pipe bowl in half, they say, you would see instantly that there would be no way for the wood to "breathe." The inside of the wood woud be totally darkened and charred. This makes sense, especially considering that everything else, from automobiles to clothes to buildings, eventually wears out and needs to be replaced. So the question is, when is a pipe finished?

And a related question: why don't more collectors pay attention to this issue? It is of crucial importance, yet I have never once seen it discussed. In fact, to the best of my knowledge, the question has not even been asked in a single pipe magazine or book. I can think of no other purchase where the buyer is basing his decision on outside appearances alone. If you buy a used car, you know precisely how many miles it has been driven, but when you buy a used pipe, you have no way of knowing how many times it has been smoked. That's risky, to say the least.

Rene Wagner, who runs a fantastic pipe store in Zurich, Switzerland, called Tabak-Ladeli, told me once that he believed it was somewhere after 1,000 to 2,000 bowls and had been smoked, although he said much depends on the size of the bowl, the thickness of the wood, the quality of the briar and the quality of the tobacco that is smoked in the pipe -- among other factors.

But those numbers still sounded too low to me, so I asked Rene to give me a pipe that he thought was finished. He gave me a straight grain, full bent Jess Chonowitsch pipe that he had enjoyed for years -- but no longer smoked because it wasn't the same. I gave that pipe to Jim Benjamin, who cleaned it and opened it up, and who restained it to look like new. When Rene saw the pipe, he thought it looked beautiful. But after one or two more smokes, he was convinced that his original assessment was correct and that that pipe in fact was finished, once and for all.

I too have owned estate pipes that smoked poorly no matter how much they were cleaned or opened. I'm sure this is because they had been smoked so much that the briar to breathe through its pores. The wood, which becomes very hot in these pipes, felt like metal or porcelain or some other solid substance -- but something very different from good briar wood. The test is to sand inside the tobacco chamber after taking out the cake. If the inside wood is totally dark, then in my opionion the pipe is finished.

One American collector told me that in 1941 he bought a beautiful Barling and an eight-dot Sasieni Rustic. He proceeded to smoke them between three and five times a week -- and still does to this day. Each pipe has been smoked well over 10,000 times, and he said they smoke like new. this collector added that he keeps them clean, never lets a cake build up and always keeps the draft open.

From: P.59 - 60, Rick Newcombe, In Search of Pipe Dreams, 1st Edition.


P.S.: 阁下钟情 Epos 手表?
[此贴子已经被LeslieNg于2004-10-31 0:59:03编辑过]

epos 发表于 2004-10-31 11:24:39


羅賓 发表于 2004-10-31 19:54:57

One American collector told me that in 1941 he bought a beautiful Barling and an eight-dot Sasieni Rustic. He proceeded to smoke them between three and five times a week -- and still does to this day. Each pipe has been smoked well over 10,000 times, and he said they smoke like new. this collector added that he keeps them clean, never lets a cake build up and always keeps the draft open.

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