“- DO NOT drop nor tap it to the hard surfaces
- DO NOT allow a cake to build in the bowl
- DO NOT twist the stem counter-clockwise
- DO NOT take the stem out of a pipe while it is still hot
- DO NOT use alcohol to clean
- DO NOT use pipe sweetener.“----http://www.meerschaumstore.com/lopedia.htm
我理解海泡石的变色就是因为吸收烟油所致,如果每次抽完,烟油还没有完全吸收的时候就被清理掉的话,应该会影响变色吧? 我晕了。 这个又说用酒精擦。"Wipe its outer surface with a clean and soft fabric material dampened with a soft and anticorrosive cleanser as frequently as needed. Inner cleaning of meerschaum stem and mouthpiece needs to be done periodically with a proper cleaning stick dampened witha few drops of soft alcohol,as you normally do inbriar pipes to wipe off the nicotine deposits." http://altinokpipe.com/faq.asp 是指用酒精擦烟嘴和烟嘴与斗连接部的塑料螺丝扣。