Smoking a New Briar Pipe
The prevalent idea amongst smokers is that when a pipe burns the fault lies entirely in the briar.Usually this is far frombeing the case and may be due to one or more of the following causes :-
· The dryness of the new pipe making it smoke hot and liable to burn.To season or to make a new Briar pipe smoke cool, it should be smoked slowly until a protective layer of carbon has formed inside the bowl to avoid the risk of charring the briarwood.
· Filling tobacco too loosely in the bowl and quick smoking.
· Smoking in outdoor windy conditions - - - thus forcing a draught in one portion of the bowl, causing it to flame instead of smoulder.This applies more especially to dry tobacco.
Peterson Pipes require no special breaking in treatment but for the first few smokes, only half fill your pipe, firmly but not too tightly.Light up evenly and smoke slowly, using your tamper to keep the tobacco firm inside the bowl.
Similarly CRACKING of briar may be due to :-
· Allowing too much carbon to form inside the bowl.This may cause the wood to split due to outward expansion of the “cake” when the bowl is cooling after use.The ideal carbon thickness is 1.5mm.
· Whilst a pipe should be emptied immediately after smoking this should not be done by hitting or knocking the top of the bowl against a hard surface.The latter may result in a cracked or split pipe.Ideally, and particularly for heavy smokers, it is recommended that you keep at least three or four pipes alternately in use.This will ensure maximum smoking pleasure and longer life for your pipe.
Smokers must bear in mind that the Briar Root being wood, is ofits nature combustible, and therefore cannot be absolutely guaranteed against burning, but should any of our pipes burn or crack within 90 days from date of purchase, we will allow a gratis replacement, provided that reasonable care has been taken.This guarantee covers only one replacement, and does not apply to bowls burst by over-carbonising, bowls worn thin by constant scraping, or pipes which split at the junction of bowl and stem.Such breakages are usually due to accidental damage.
Kapp & Peterson Limited, Peterson House, Sallynoggin, Co. Dublin.
Telephone: 01-2851011Fax: 01-2856593
后面是peterson允许你在90天之内更换抽爆裂的斗,以及一些免责条件。 新烟斗过分干燥,以至于燃烧时温度太高导致烧伤烟斗。