最近尊重家人的意见,再抽调味草。翻箱倒柜找到几盒,记不清具体什么时间进的,但至少十年以上的所为。随手挑了一罐,当年不知名,现在也没明白,轻松开罐、马口铁已经锈得很严重,衬纸也挂满了白霜,扑面来的是很浓的香,应该是款调味草。轻轻把草揉开,清晰的看到糖分凝结的晶莹剔透。没急抽,十几年都放下来了,放罐子里先醒醒~有请各位明白的斗友指教下品牌和类型,谢谢喽~:) 草的白霜特写没拍。跟我一样用茶盘做醒茶器。 原帖由 心语 于 2019-12-30 13:58 发表 http://bbs.pipevillage.org/images/common/back.gif
草的年头是够长的了,醒了几天装一斗慢慢抽,味道怪的很,真找不出合适的词形容,反正不是我喜欢的风格。回忆了下,应该是十几年前买别的草时店家送的一款,只是一直没搞明白这草的品牌。有老斗友了解这款草的,还望指教~ 有点像丹尼斯的调味草。 Planta - Van Halteren Black and Bright
A blend of first quality fully riped cavendish left under pressure until the leaf tobacco has been changed into a deep black colour. Very rich and smooth aroma of tobacco components guaranteed.
Notes: Only very soft, doubly fermented black cavendish. Slightly sweet flavor with noble spices. Long Grain. Very mild and aromatic.
Mix and taste are unchanged; only the name is new. 'Bright' in the meaning of "shiny/bright" replaces the term "Light", which in the near future may no longer be used due to new EU directives.
Brand Planta
Blend Type Cavendish Based
Contents Black Cavendish
Flavoring None
Cut Ribbon
Packaging 100 grams tin
Country DE
Production Currently available
黑卡文迪西 黑又亮,三十年前国产的鞋油 只能看出来至少是在德国销售的。从楼上的英文来看还是德国生产的。如果有 看样子像调味啊