tanetos 发表于 2019-12-2 01:42:51

Dunhill - My Mixture No.10


muramasa 发表于 2019-12-2 09:47:52


LeslieNg 发表于 2019-12-3 07:43:51

Dunhill #10

A richly flavoured English mixture. Medium to Full strength. A HIGH proportion of Latakia and Cavendish is a base for added Virginias and Oriental leaf. This blend is similar to "Dunhill London Mixture". (Ed. comment: I like it!!!! 8=)

(A richly flavoured 'English' mixture. Medium to full strength. A highly proportion of Latakia and Cavendish leaf give backbone to this blend, with Virginias and Oriental Leaf. The nearest factory blend is ' London Mixture')


类似 “红伦敦” 的话,谈不上清淡,当然也非臭豆腐风格,大概是 “圆融甜熟”。我还有一两罐 #10,改天开个再体会体会。

平等觀 发表于 2019-12-3 08:40:50

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