pipe2008 发表于 2019-3-19 09:04:59


按:G.L.Pease是世界知名烟草专家,2000年初创立了自己的烟草品牌G.L.Pease Tobaccos。他同时是烟斗百科pipedia“烟草”部分的专业解答人。https://pipedia.org/wiki/Pipe_Tobaccos#G.L._Pease_on_aging

Pictured here are some of my favorite Castellos. Long ago, I had a couple of mixed experiences with Castello pipes, but I now admit to being an avid fan. Of all the older pipe factories, Castello is the only one I can think of whose quality has actually improved over the years;(在所有老牌烟斗制造商中,我认为卡斯特罗是唯一一家其生产的烟斗质量逐年提高的制造商); today's Castello is even better than those of ten years ago(今天的卡斯特罗烟斗甚至比十年前的质量更好)! Isn't it nice to be able to say that about something? Today, Castello has become one of my favorite pipe marques, and the brand is represented in my collection in greater numbers than any other besides older GBDs, and I smoke every one of them happily.
Castello pipes often tend to start out life a little “bright” in their smoking qualities, accentuating the sweetness of a blend, and only mellow out after quite a few bowls have been gently puffed. Once well seasoned, though, they reward the smoker with a wonderful flavor. Many of mine are older examples, and it's interesting to see some of the changes in design and finish. The earlier Sea Rocks and Old Sea Rocks were characterized by a remarkably deep and craggy, though notably soft rustication that has largely given way to today's sharper, but more refined version. While I enjoy both, the earlier form has a distinct appeal to both eye and hand.
Castello pipes are made in Cantu, Italy, from Ligurian and sometimes Grecian briar. They are one of the most well known and classic of the Italian brands, second only to Savinelli in popularity. For more on this wonderful marque, see www.castello.net.

烟酒茶的胡子 发表于 2019-3-19 21:37:52


pipe2008 发表于 2019-3-19 22:58:44

回复 2# 烟酒茶的胡子 的帖子

Castello 創立之初的學習模仿對象便是以Dunhill為代表的英倫煙斗風格「規整 秀氣 優雅 靈巧 紳士風度」
但是想要立足 除了繼承傳統經典外 必須要擺脫純粹模仿 建構自己的風格特點
於是轉向源自古羅馬的義大利藝術傳統 追求「莊重、雄偉、自然、粗獷」的風格傳統
Castello創造性地開發了自然粗獷的sea rock系列 這在當時整個煙斗界引起了關注和轟動 該系列是他們最有原創性和風格特點的系列
sea rock尤其在美國煙斗市場獲得了追捧顛覆了英倫煙斗的統治地位
當時castello和剛剛進軍美國市場的義大利奢侈品牌Gucci幾乎同時在美國獲得了成功 然後又殺回義大利本土 成為本國煙斗業巨頭 地位至今不可動搖
Castello煙斗自身最有特色的斗型是55和10型,國外煙斗界甚至專門成立了castello 55 & 10 俱樂部

waandwa 发表于 2019-3-19 23:24:52


[ 本帖最后由 waandwa 于 2019-3-19 23:29 编辑 ]

pipe2008 发表于 2019-3-19 23:39:59

回复 4# waandwa 的帖子

可能我們東方人的天性就是追求 靈巧 優雅 細膩
我最早也是只玩英倫老斗 Dunhill Comoy 等
但是後來親手摸到了卡斯特羅55 一發不可收拾 愛不釋手
尤其是實際的抽煙體驗 言語無法以表

东方不败 发表于 2019-3-20 09:26:52


timwang 发表于 2019-3-21 22:34:07



pipe2008 发表于 2019-3-22 10:36:02

回复 7# timwang 的帖子


pipe2008 发表于 2019-3-23 07:53:24

颜如玉 发表于 2019-3-25 14:37:56

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查看完整版本: G.L.Pease关于意大利卡斯特罗Castello烟斗的一些看法