seanxs 发表于 2018-9-3 20:59:29



waandwa 发表于 2018-9-6 00:22:52


Those of us who love coin-cut tobaccos remember or have heard heroic tales of the original Three Nuns, which has not been produced in 20+ years. Smokingpipes now has the closest replication yet of the original, Three Nuns Green, along with its mellower sibling, Three Nuns Yellow. These mixtures exemplify tobacco characteristics that promote aging. Ready to smoke now, they’ll be even better aged in your cellar.
Three Nuns Yellow is a medium strong Virginia blend with subtly grassy and earthy overtones; Three Nuns Green adds Perique and dark-fired Kentucky to the mix for a more spicy, complex presentation. Both will mellow and improve with age, so stock up.
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