兄弟我在https://www.pipesandcigars.com/上注册了一个帐号,只是现在不支持直邮天朝了,只是收收邮件看看新东西而已。今天收到一封促销邮件“You've probably heard by now that all the Dunhill blends will be discontinued in the near future. We had no idea that this would be happening when we put together our calendar deals for this year, so if you're a Dunhill fan, you've caught a break because our March calendar deal is Buy 3, Get 1 Free on all Dunhill tins, and because of this email, we're going to extend it until April 4th, so you still have time to stock up”。兄弟我用百度翻译了一下,主要意思是dunhill斗草要停产啊。这是真的吗,有没有哪个老大更清楚一点的。不过我已经赶紧在SMP下了一单,小囤了一点货再说。 那我要不要囤点睡帽呢 会有公司接盘的,别担心Dunhill煙草將會停產?????
http://bbs.pipevillage.org/viewthread.php?tid=28185&highlight=我已喺較早時候講過話Dunhill將會停產, 而家距離正式實行日子還有一年半, 大家即管睇睇仲會有啲乜野變數啦 最近登喜路散草确实贵了几十,gh也是,据说是汇率影响,但glp价格下来不少,所以现在晚上经常搞静夜抽,反正价格差不太多了。