pig1129 发表于 2017-2-17 09:51:17


不知各位斗友師兄們有否留意外國煙斗論壇及Youtune Pipe Community最近一則鬧得熱烘烘的一個話題, Dunhill煙草將會逐漸減產或停產!

One of the most storied names in the world of cigars and pipes is going away.
Tobacco giant British American Tobacco is planning to no longer offer Dunhill cigars and pipe tobaccos.
“British American Tobacco (BAT) has informed us of their intention to exit the handmade cigar and pipe tobacco business for the Dunhill brands, said Régis Broersma, president of General Cigar Co., which makes Dunhill cigars and distributes them in the U.S.
“As this process will take approximately 12-18 months to complete, it will be business as usual; therefore, there will be no change to the way in which we manufacture, market and sell the Dunhill items in our portfolio in the near future. We are currently in talks with BAT to discuss the future of the brand.”
British American Tobacco has no plans to stop selling Dunhill tobacco products. Dunhill cigarettes remain a core part of the company’s premium offerings. BAT’s Dunhill business is different from the company’s luxury goods and accessories which is owned by the luxury group Richemont.
Earlier this week, British American Tobacco announced that it will merge with Reynolds American, creating the largest publicly-traded tobacco company in the world.

上面提到“British American Tobacco (BAT) has informed us of their intention to exit the handmade cigar and pipe tobacco business for the Dunhill brands“ 英國最大的煙草商公司有意圖退出手捲雪茄及煙斗草巿場, 尤其是向美國發行的!!!!!

我於Youtube Pipe Channel見到已經有美國煙斗友嘗試電郵SP及Pipes and Cigars查詢Dunhill煙草是否將會停售, 得到的回覆只係未來12-18個月Dunhill煙斗草將會穩定供應, 零售商無正面回答18個月後究竟再有無Dunhill斗草供應! 事件已在美國煙斗界鬧得非常烘!


bennycui 发表于 2017-2-17 10:28:27


halfy 发表于 2017-2-17 19:08:53


x19232036 发表于 2017-2-17 19:54:24


pig1129 发表于 2017-2-17 21:34:13

原帖由 halfy 于 2017-2-17 19:08 发表 http://bbs.pipevillage.org/images/common/back.gif
fan_23gif幸好我對Dunhill煙斗草談不上迷戀, 但都希望佢繼續為斗友生產靚斗草下去fan_23gif

bennycui 发表于 2017-2-17 22:30:28


Daluz 发表于 2017-2-18 01:56:32


pig1129 发表于 2017-2-18 05:13:36

原帖由 Daluz 于 2017-2-18 01:56 发表 http://bbs.pipevillage.org/images/common/back.gif

一斗轩 发表于 2017-2-18 17:32:49



pig1129 发表于 2017-2-18 19:18:54

原帖由 一斗轩 于 2017-2-18 17:32 发表 http://bbs.pipevillage.org/images/common/back.gif

fan_23gif請問牆外的世界是否指於國內上網要翻牆, 有好多連結都連不到呢?????fan_23gif
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