请教关于tom spanu烟斗
只是听到朋友说,请教大家了。有关tom Spanu的任何信息。谢谢! 虫二侠兄,我刚刚得了一把tomspanu,可是我也不了解,还在等别人指教呢,改天我照了照片发上来你看看? 网上截取信息如下:http://www.pipevillage.org/community/attachments/dvbbs/uploadImages/20044231331748832.jpg
Maestro Spanu is one of the few pipemakers - maybe the only one - who personally takes care for each step of production - beginning with the careful selection of the roots until the final shaping of a pipe or even his cigar-tops - in limited edition.
The tops, created by "TOM SPANU", are produced from selected Sardinian briarwood and own a specially adjusted hand-cut mouthpiece from acryl.
TOM SPANU - on his search for the origins of a very special capability, Mr Diez, leading manager of Denicotea GmbH 1992, after having visited a local pipe fair "pipe and pipesmoke" in Italy, where he saw pipes from extraordinary shape and beauty, went further on to Sardinia. There he found Tom Spanu, a silent, concentrated appearing Sardinian, in Laerru, his hometown, a small township on Sassari province.
Meanwhile Tom Spanu moved.
Sardinia - streamed by clear Mediterranean Sea, with rough cliffs, but also lovely beaches, in ancient times formed into a landscape that mountains seem to be barren, with vegetation called "Macchia", that owns plants that stream a strong, aromatic-spicy smell, with fertile fields and vineyards - owns are very own mood, consisting of a mixture of natural joy and ...
... silent, sometimes melancholy silence. This is the master's home, who owns the very unique opportunity to accompany the life-cycle from a briar-root to the final masterly crafted unicate. Tom Spanu and his brother Augusto work a 100 ha huge forestal area that is a leasehold property.There they choose and harvest precious Erica arborea root. This huge-grown shrub should be grown for 60 years minimum, before its root may provide ...
... the proper material for high quality pipes and can be considered as harvestable by Tom Spanu. Carefully and with a skilled view those shrubs are examined that seem to be acceptable. Strenous digging is done in winter months. The roots won are seasoned - like a precious metal - in a dark, even temperated room and are kept humid with linen bags to protect the roots for beginning to grow or drying out.
Every year in spring, there begins a fine grouping and sorting in several quality classes. The master decides personally about the potential of created Ebauchons and removes roots considered unuseable. After 24 hours of cooking the remaining ebauchons are totally free from micro-bacteria and are going to be dried for 3 years in a natural way with even temperature conditions. It is a special satisfaction for Tom Spanu, the artesan master, to take the pieces that are intended for further crafting, in his hands, to feel their hidden shapes...
... and gives them in his imagination their final body. Like unique structures of these roots growing slowly over the years, also Tom Spanu artesan craftmanship has developed, riped in many long years. It is sensibility, the view for hidden secrets, the acceptance of the unique natural beauty and also the masterly craftmanship to bring those parts of the root to light - with a skilled hand - that awake life of a pipe - and also to remove those parts that contradict.
This is the time when Tom Spanu is very quiet and silent, in a way communing innerly with his masterpiece. For more than 30 years now he creates pipes. At the beginning he learned in North-Italian pipe industry, but then returned to his "roots" - "back to the roots" - to his home, to this satisfying work, that makes the full cycle of creation possible. Tom Spanu loves his work, confirmed by his pipes. He knows to realize easy, pure shapes...
Tom Spanu pipes show the name of the master and "point" from briarwood with a silver-stick on the mouthpiece as rememberance.
[此贴子已经被作者于2004-4-23 1:38:26编辑过]
以下是引用天行健在2004-4-22 22:40:59的发言:
虫二侠兄,我刚刚得了一把tom spanu,可是我也不了解,还在等别人指教呢,改天我照了照片发上来你看看?
买过几把Tom Spanu的烟斗,感觉质量还行,属于中档的手工斗。木料(指石南木)的选用很不错,且多数会用较大块的原料加工;样式也有很特别的;工艺完成度吗,不算最好吧。总的来说,是相当好的日常用斗,我本身也对意大利的手工斗情有独钟。
Tom Spanu还生产一些独一无二的烟斗。譬如用柠檬木(Lemon Wood),橄榄木(Olive Wood)加工;以及在石南木表面包裹松木(Cork Covered)。非常独特和有趣。听说口感也与石南木的很不同。
A History of the Spanu Brand
More than forty years ago, Tommaso Spanu left his home in Sardinia, and travelled to Gavirate in northern Italy to learn the secrets of pipe design and making from no less than the master himself, Alberto Paronelli. Tommaso quickly became the top carver for Paronelli and did most of the high grade Clairmont briar pipes for him, occassionally adding his own name.
Over the years, Tommaso has also worked closely with many other influential pipe makers, such as Peppino Ascorti and Luige Radice.
In 1997, Tommasu struck out on his own, producing his own line of high grade, entirely handmade pipes, with the help of his brother and two sons. Just as when he started carving pipes, only hand tools are used. Not a lathe or drill is to be found in his workshop.
Soon after beginning production on his own pipes, Spanu was approached by Mercedes and asked to design a briar-burl dashboard for one of their luxury sedans. "Maybe tomorrow" he replied, explaining that while the project would be fun, his first love was pipes, and only once he was not making as many pipes would he consider it. Mercedes is said to have taken the rebuff in good nature, and even this manufacturing giant is waiting on Mr. Spanu to finish some pipes.
Spanu produces a wide variety of handmade pipes, ranging from traditional, all-briar pipes, to olivewood and briar hybrids, olivewood, juniper, and his trademark, the cork-covered briar. The cork pipe is somewhat of a Spanu signature, and is in a small way, a tribute to the local craftpeople of Sardinia, who work extensively with cork.
[此贴子已经被作者于2004-5-11 16:43:08编辑过]