this is the only tamper you'll ever need
and Made in China
Awesome...:loveliness: TAO BAO is best place for this bamboo tamper, the price is best too.
BTW, I have two of it. 原帖由 七星北斗 于 2016-1-28 00:43 发表
Referring to the photo as below:
:loveliness:呢枝好似係淘寶Temper黎架喎, 我香港既一位斗友佢有, 我曾見過:loveliness: 原帖由 pig1129 于 2016-2-2 19:44 发表
:loveliness:呢枝好似係淘寶Temper黎架喎, 我香港既一位斗友佢有, 我曾見過:loveliness:
這支竹tamper 是在西班牙網站買4103 Dunhill root briar 時,他們主動送給我的。我相信這支竹tamper 是大陸製造而出口到外國去。 原帖由 七星北斗 于 2016-2-2 20:47 发表
這支竹tamper 是在西班牙網站買4103 Dunhill root briar 時,他們主動送給我的。我相信這支竹tamper 是大陸製造而出口到外國去。
我國果然厲害! 呢枝Temper就好似我國所做既真空管一樣, 天津全真, 外國好多膽機真空管製做廠都係買中國膽返黎當佢地自己做既一樣, 估唔到連Temper都係
[ 本帖最后由 pig1129 于 2016-2-2 21:31 编辑 ] 原帖由 jt 于 2016-1-28 09:15 发表
this is the only tamper you'll ever need
and Made in China and it's very cheap and very easy to get one:P