peterson 福尔摩斯系列怎么清洁
各位大神,小弟新入一个peterson福尔摩斯系列,咬嘴的洞好小,通条插不进去,请问怎么清洁?多谢多谢! which type ?" p " lipsor " fishtail "?[ 本帖最后由 jt 于 2014-1-24 15:22 编辑 ] 是第一张图。。。 Unfortunately….this is a common complaint since 1898.The Plip curves up a bit to the draw hole as shown in the picture, it can be difficult to clean with a pipe cleaner.
Here are some suggestion
You can use a needle file to open up ( slightly)the draft hole ,be careful you do not drill thru the bit.
You can buythin and stiff pipe cleaner,and learn to maneuver thru the hole to the…. you will get use to it.
For me, this is part of the Peterson experience…………..:lol 除非被堵死的情况下才用通条。用过毛绒通条的都知道,这玩意反而会更堵(掉毛)。
小斗嘴的清理,我的办法是把面巾纸先剪成小段再打开搓成细纸绳,旋转着插入烟嘴并不停的以旋转的状态同时进出,最后抽离。不但能吸水还清理的烟油。 我是纸巾大法的 呵呵 但是要柔韧性好的 不然要断在里面 很难搞出来的