本人是新手一枚,稀里糊涂买了个小鹰入门烟斗,后来看了村里帖子,才知道要弄爱尔兰的大家比较推崇新人入手,心血来潮,在http://store.pipesandcigars.com这个网站购买了登喜路的一些品尝草,遇到一些操作问题,望高手帮助下,因为通过美国的转运公司,订单下好后,还是未扣信用卡里的款,不知道是什么原因, 听说他们 不送海外为什么不去 smokingpipes ? 网址不知道,这个网站我是发转运公司的地址,他们也不接收订单 Please do not take this the wrong way. :handshake
If you have problems finding the web site,I do not think that you should order anything from the overseas web sites.
I know there are no shortage of tobacco suppliers in China, why do you need to buy from overseas?The prices are not that cheap (plus shipping and tobacco tax) and plus the risk of missing parcels, credit card abuse..etc.
This is based on my own experiences, not worth the risk.
Buy in China.:victory: