My wish for Taobao
My wish for Taobao is for them to go global and be bigger than Ebay.Taobao current is not very user friendly !
I wishInternational buyers could order directly from Taobao without using a " good" Taobao agent.
I feel frustrated whenever I visit Taobao site,things I would like to buy but I could not because of some stupid rule.
If the system is simplified and more like Ebay, they would get a whole lot more business for sellers, and attract more buyers from across the globe.
Come on !Taobao think " big "man ! :victory:
My 2 cents 作为大陆人,不能Twitter不能Facebook,看你这么一说,竟然有些小小欣慰:lol 。 喵喵很好看fan_25gif 美好的愿望
短期内够呛 我未曾从海外访问淘宝,有些感觉无法体会。
但是从界面、排序、介绍的“user friendly”来说,个人更喜欢淘宝而非EBAY。 我也喜欢淘宝....很可惜.....不能直接从国外购买.