http://bbs.pipevillage.org/attachments/userphoto/201310/201310250203553194891782.jpg 找个首饰加工的地儿,你告诉他怎么整他就有办法。 I have used Daiso two parts epoxy to repair some of my meerschaum pipes, works fine even after hundreds of bowls.I find this is much stronger and durable than cyanacrylate / super glue.
Remember don't weep out the excess epoxy,just wait for few minute before it dry,peel off the excess with a sharp knife.
Follow with some fine sanding and buffing and you are good to go.
Of course... you can still see the crack line...unfortunately.
This pipe will serve as a reminder to be more gentle and careful with the pipe. :victory: 北京不知道,距离太远
淘宝上有专业维修烟斗的店铺,图片先给他看,能修就邮寄给他,他修好再寄回来,店家的信誉、做工还是不错的,我通过这种方式修过好几把斗了。 斗斗发色真好,期待戴上银戒 西四珠宝街后街(路西吧?应该),二楼上有几家年青人开的手工作坊,啥都能胡弄,挺有想法的,蓝刃老哥如果有兴趣我就回家翻翻家底儿的名片,不知能否找到名片什么的…… 新街口 多谢诸位帮忙!回头有时间去转转看,配好了银圈再上图道谢!fan_33gif 如JT兄所说,银圈好是好,要是能在戴上银圈之前用AB胶粘一粘会更好更放心~