阿布猪 发表于 2002-5-22 10:25:42


1、天坛东门偏北,路东的红桥市场一楼,从正门进去到自动扶梯后左转(不上扶梯),有几个档子是卖烟斗,烟丝,烟包、打火机的,烟斗有几十种,从100起到2000RMB。只要你表示是个老斗客,挑的挑剔一点,说话在行一些,他们的要价就不会太黑,但还是要侃价哦!另外有 DUNHILL MM965等烟丝卖。




stein 发表于 2002-5-23 23:14:13

紅橋市場, 是可以逛逛.那裡較多3B, big-ben, .....和雜木斗.划價的空間甚大.

燕莎望京, 倒是值得去. 在進門一樓中央電扶梯的右側, 賣刀具的一角, 有煙斗專櫃.是有不少好貨品陳列.有次我曾經心儀一只Peterson的噴砂直斗, RMB860.- 很值得選購.可惜那次我上樓去挑到一組好飛鏢, 把預算經費給挪用了.注意, 那個櫃檯的小姐們經常聚著開會, 檢討如何提昇營業績效, 拿高獎金, 不太愛搭理客戶消費者.
[此贴子已经被作者于2002-5-23 23:14:13编辑过]

jiafox 发表于 2002-5-23 22:37:15


stein 发表于 2002-5-23 23:08:30

謹致 Jiafox兄:

topgun 发表于 2002-5-24 09:49:30


赛特,燕莎,国贸Dunhill, 昆仑饭店,长城饭店,王府饭店(Davidoff).其中Dunhill和Davidoff点还是值得常走走的。


LeslieNg 发表于 2002-5-26 11:42:28


Topgun 发表于 2002-5-27 11:22:43

Hi Leslie:

In my last message, I mentioned that the pipes displayed in the shops/boutiques (Beijing) can hardly match those in the shops that I used to visit in N.A.

Take Dunhill for example, I only found 4 pcs (pipes) in its Beijing boutique (the only Dunhill in China that carries pipes!).And among the 4 pipes, none of them are above the the level of amber flame, quite low indeed.

Your suggestion is somewhat difficult for me, as the perception towards a certain tobacco shop/boutique overseas is quite a personal/sunjective issue, which could possibly cause some unnecessary disputes or arguments.

I am registered on this web for the pleasure of taking and sharing, taking: Learn from others; Sharing, show what I have or can provide, on solid, tangible objects/subjects.Arguments is something to be avoided.

I still remember my promiss of uploading some close-up pictures of the 2002 Castello Flame.I am still working on that and should be done within this week.

Take Care!

P.S. Sorry that I wrote this message in English as I have never been good at Chinese keyboard (which could take me several times amount of time).

LeslieNg 发表于 2002-5-28 00:53:44


Dunhill 在广州的专卖店或专柜都没有一家经营烟斗的。


无论如何,我们尊重您的决定;另外,大家都翘首盼望您的 Castello 写真喔

Thank you for your careful consideration and always have fun in OUR village!

[此贴子已经被LeslieNg于2002-5-28 0:53:44编辑过]

Topgun 发表于 2002-5-28 09:44:13


广州Dunhill的确不会有烟斗的, 请留意在下上个贴子中的(the only Dunhill in China that carries pipes!),我想我们在此并无异议.

[此贴子已经被作者于2002-5-28 9:44:13编辑过]

magnum 发表于 2002-11-9 02:39:50

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