带注册号的STANWELL的断代问题,村子里已经有很多帖子讲得很详细了。但是不带注册号的STANWELL该如何断代呢?又及:最近入了2把STANWELL二手斗,一把是60年代的,一把是80年以后的,两把抽吸都干燥顺畅,但是斗钵很烫(和我其它的斗相比烫很多),不知道这是不是STANWELL的特点? 你是不是抽得太急了?或烟草填得太密?
回复 2# kendall441 的帖子
准确的说在同等填草和抽吸速度下,比其它石楠斗要烫,和海泡斗差不多。 几乎没有品牌可以象dunhill那样确切断代的(即便dunhill的斗也不是都可以准确的判别),Stanwell有一些线索可以试试,但是也没有一个完全被认可的标准,以下一篇英文的短文可以有所帮助:) Regd. No. stamping discontinued in late 1960s to very early 1970s. This is the Stanwell trade mark registration. The “48” indicates that the registration was made in 1948. (info rec’d from Jorgen Grundtvig, Managing Director, Stanwell A/S)
2) Block letter stamp “Silver S” used until late 1960s and then changed to script.
3) Up until the early 1960s only the top pipes, e.g. “Hand Cut” had the stem/mouthpieces stamped with the Stanwell logo of a crown over “S”. The “Hand Cut” is stamped on the shank of the pipe. The “Standard Models” may or may not be stamped with the “S” logo without the crown.
4) “Stanwell” stamp in script dates to the 1950s.
5) Progression of the Stanwell logo is: “S” in white paint; crown “S” in white paint; brass crown “S” and finally a silver crown “S”.
6) “Handcut” stamped on black vulcanite stems have not been done since at least the 1970s and possibly earlier. (info from J.G.).
7) Currently, the only mouthpieces that have “Handcut” stamped on them are made of Cumberland rod and are used exclusively on the “Unique” line of pipes. (info from J.G.)
Early Stanwell/Winslow pipes were stamped with a “W”. In later years this has been changed to a “Winslow” stamp.
9) Stanwell started using acrylic for their mouthpieces in 1995 and identified the acrylic stem with a “dot” following the Stanwell crown “S” logo. This practice has been discontinued.
10) Benni Jorgensen, father of Lasse Skovgaard, has been doing the Stanwell repairs since1995. Prior to this, they were done by Tom Eltang.
烟斗抽起来烫恐怕是特例,我手里的几把斗抽起来温度和其它烟斗差不多fan_23gif 可能有两个原因。1,年代久远了,烟斗壁本身就薄了。2,速度太快,厚壁不明显。。。。(纯属臆断)
回复 4# 蓝刃 的帖子
此外空心和实心的皇冠能够作为断代的依据吗?(现在的新货好像都是实心的,其中也有个HAND MADE系列)