biohazaro 发表于 2011-11-14 21:41:42


Order FormItem to PurchaseItem name and PriceQty.Price after OptionsExt. Price So To Bed 8oz - $25.19
Item#: 003-024-00091$25.19$25.19 8oz - $25.19
Item#: 003-024-00151$25.19$25.19 8oz - $25.19
Item#: 003-024-00081$25.19$25.19 Toasted: Latakia Flake 50g - $9.17
Item#: 003-041-00791$9.17$9.17 So To Bed 2oz - $9.63
Item#: 003-024-00011$9.63$9.63 2oz - $9.63
Item#: 003-024-00031$9.63$9.63 2oz - $9.63
Item#: 003-024-00181$9.63$9.63 2oz - $9.63
Item#: 003-024-00021$9.63$9.63 2oz - $9.63
Item#: 003-024-00191$9.63$9.63Subtotal:$132.89Shipping:$44.75Total :$177.64
快递用的是USPS的 Priority Mail International 据坛子里前辈说国内可以转EMS全程跟踪!希望不会被“睡”

小布 发表于 2011-11-15 10:01:51

USPS的 Priority Mail International 只有在USPS 网站上有跟踪,到了国内就不变了,等邮包送达之后才会更新。

linakio 发表于 2011-11-23 18:59:17


Items Ordered

Luxury Navy Flake (#005-005-0002): 1
Options: 16oz: $29.99
Item Total: $29.99

1-Q (#005-006-0001): 1
Options: Weight:-16oz: $31.69
Item Total: $31.69

RLP-6 (#005-006-0003): 1
Options: Weight:-16oz: $31.69
Item Total: $31.69


Subtotal: $93.37
Shipping (USPS USPS: Priority Mail International): $40.50
Total: $133.87

linakio 发表于 2011-11-23 19:00:43

Items Ordered

Luxury Navy Flake (#005-005-0002): 1
Options: 16oz: $29.99
Item Total: $29.99

1-Q (#005-006-0001): 1
Options: Weight:-16oz: $31.69
Item Total: $31.69

RLP-6 (#005-006-0003): 1
Options: Weight:-16oz: $31.69
Item Total: $31.69


Subtotal: $93.37
Shipping (USPS USPS: Priority Mail International): $40.50
Total: $133.87
页: [1]
查看完整版本: 小弟刚在smokingpipes下的订单