upshall 发表于 2003-11-14 10:02:41

Le Nuvole

Le Nuvole

续不久前在ebay买了支5 Clouds等级的以后,在下写了email给Maurizio寻问支曾经卖掉的款式,结果他特地替在下作了一支。

等级:3 Clouds
价钱:US$205 + US$59(邮费)

[此贴子已经被作者于2003-11-14 10:02:41编辑过]

Ed 发表于 2003-7-31 01:13:25

Dear Upshall

How long does it take for the pipe to be completed?

Also, what type of briar is used, if I may ask?Didi the army mount come at an extra cost?



upshall 发表于 2003-8-1 10:28:01

Dear Ed,

The anwser to the briar used can be found here

Its takes about two week since Maurizio told me that he'll workout a pipe I like till he show me the completed photo. But he can't tell you the grade till he finish it.

I look at his cataloge, and indeed anything with silver cost a bit more, but for my case, he probably give me a good discount.I always seems to a lucky guy when price is concern
Ed 问:这斗要多久完成?是用那类石南木? Army Mount是否要加价?

Maurizio 是从告诉我他会作只我要得斗后两个星期,才把完成后的相片email给我。不过他在还没完工之前无法确定斗的等级。

[此贴子已经被作者于2003-8-1 10:28:01编辑过]

Ed 发表于 2003-7-31 01:59:18

Le Nuvole

Dear Upshall,

Thank you for providing the web address.

I had a good look at the pipes by Le Nuvole and found that they are very reasonably priced and striking in design.

However, for pits and fills, is there any assurance on that?It seems like the pipes are graded solely on their grain-structure and not the flawlessness of the briar.In your correpondence with Maurizio, the matter might had been brought up, so would you kindly enlighten me on the issue?

Good choice, and please do tell us how it smokes later on!



upshall 发表于 2003-8-1 11:03:35

Below is a paragaphfrom Maurizio email
"I'm known as one of the italians that tolerate less sandpits in his pipes.
If the sanpits are pin-points,
I think you can tolerate2/3 of them in a pipe. IMHO they seems to say:
this pipe is made of real briar ;-).
Obviously I absolutely don't tolerate the difects and the putty!"

[此贴子已经被作者于2003-8-1 11:03:35编辑过]

upshall 发表于 2003-8-1 10:53:47

Le Nuvole Review

Construction: This pipe is very even, well balance with a lightweght of 40gram.
Very impressive accuracy of drilling.

Finish - The smooth and thickly wax is one of the finest pipe finish as compare to my others Ser Jacopo, Radice, Don Carlos. Its a different finish as compare to the very shiny Ferndown, its somehow not as bright, but very smooth.

The briar - Very tight flame grain with5 pinhead sandpit on the outer bowl and 2 larger ones in the inner bowl.

1st bowl - As usual, I fill 1/2 bowl of well rubbed Carolina Rose.
The smoke have very slight bitter taste, and the very last bit of tobacco was dried harden and unburn.

2nd bowl -After an hour rest, I fill it with 3/4 bowl tobacco.
Now the bitter taste is gone, and cake have started to build up.

Overall I would said that the smokability of this pipe is excellent, very easily break in and I will only second it to my favourite Upshall. I find the inperfection of the briar is quite acceptable, IMHO most Italian pipe way above this price range have the same amount of sandpits in them.
Le Nuvole 评论


外观:又滑又厚的打蜡跟我的Ser Jacopo, Radice, Don Carlos相比是最棒的。


第一斗 - 装了半斗磨了很丝的Carolina Rose, 抽起来有点苦,最后点烟丝干硬却没燃烧。

第二斗 - 休息了一小时后,在装3/4斗,现在苦味以消散,碳开始出现。


[此贴子已经被作者于2003-8-1 10:53:46编辑过]

古早人 发表于 2003-8-4 15:39:14

lamber 发表于 2003-9-17 18:50:09


lamber 发表于 2003-9-17 18:51:43


upshall 发表于 2003-9-17 18:55:28


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