查了很久查不到资料。DiMonte Classica 949w意大利手工斗。谢谢![ 本帖最后由 dovinci 于 2010-4-21 23:47 编辑 ] 今天查到的:Dimonte is reported by Lopez to be a North American pipe maker. They been around since the 1940ish period, originally called Arlington Briar, and in 1997 adopted the name Dimonte. As to the material, Lopez says they use Sardinian briar and makes no mention of alternative woods. I am no expert on either Sardinian briar or alternative woods. If it were of an alternative, my guess actually would be Olivewood.
是不是老美冒充意大利斗? 美国商标,却写上意大利制造……搞不懂为什么这么做 此斗现在我手,ebay上面2006年拍下的。(MINT记录:http://www.worthpoint.com/worthopedia/mint-beautiful-dimonte-classica-949w-smoking)
还在犹豫,要不要开了它? 我倒是觉得没有必要不开吧?直接用了得了。不是所有的手工斗斗不错。既然莫名其妙的明明是美国牌子却要打上意大利,而且花纹也很一般的样子……没必要留着。 已经开了,比较平庸,唯一的好处是斗钵大,一斗连续抽70分钟没问题。烟气中庸,积水还行,斗底草倒出来捏一下有油水,但是不似茶渣那么湿,貌似可以作为日常斗。花纹确实很怪,联想到我上面引用的文字,我有点怀疑这木头到底是不是石楠!
[ 本帖最后由 dovinci 于 2010-4-26 12:42 编辑 ]