jcats兄可否說說後續處理過程呢 yamaichi san
That was a painful experience,not to mention it was really an embarrassment.
Mr T explained that those were "normal" variations, sorry no refund!( to us all suckers )
Lessons learned!
So now I read “幽默大师”林语堂的做人准则 , smoking more pipes andonly buy my future pipes from the German.:victory:
I was thinking to place a "huge" order for a group of my piper friends here, thank God i did not! Mr D only screwed me on this one purchase, otherwise I would be really screwed.
[ 本帖最后由 jcats 于 2009-3-6 18:47 编辑 ] :victory:good luck guys
jcats this is for Mantis and good luck. 看来以后还是买粉压海泡石斗坯DIY更保险了 买块石头自己抠一个吗好了 土耳其好像不许海泡石原石出口哦 根本就不是一把斗!