蒋三不 发表于 2020-8-26 05:03:22


Today I finished my last tin of Nightcap. That was not just the last tin of NC, that was the very last Dunhill I had had in my cellar. I loved them all: Royal Yacht, Elizabethan Mixture, Durbar, Navy Rolls and, yeah, Nightcap. Oh that Nightcap... there was nothing like it (not even Peterson Balkan Delight although vaguely similar, stood close to it).

I'm still feeling the aftertaste. It's been the last Dunhill in my smoking career. Cause I won't spend ridiculous sums on vintage tins: I prefer to fund with my money not greedy ebay resellers but the good guys who are still making real tobaccos, like the Gawithes, let them live long and happy.

Well, I know, Peterson now owns a blend under the same name and produces it after the same recipe. I know also about a clone by McConnell marketed as "Nightclub" and "Covent Garden". I have little doubt that the Peterson's version won't technically differ from the Dunhill's. Nevertheless, however successful the clones are, they are just clones - and the real thing has gone forever. Because flavour and aroma, as much as they're important, still wasn't all on which the magic of Dunhill blends was built. A huge part of the appeal was the brand itself: Dunhill Pipe Tobacco belonged to the realm of luxury goods. May I ask how many luxury goods you can afford to use daily? For me, through years, it's been the one and only: Dunhill Tobaccos. From now on, when my last Dunhill is over, I use none. Peterson is a masterpiece in its own right, but it's never pretended to be a luxury brand.

Nightcap was dark, deep, velvety and spicy. Just like the black nightsky speckled with sharp-edged stars. Good night, old fellow.

7 people found this review helpful.


henryljh 发表于 2020-8-27 10:34:26


蒋三不 发表于 2020-8-28 05:23:45


cjwenqi 发表于 2020-8-28 10:22:40


f88028793 发表于 2020-9-18 21:18:51


平等觀 发表于 2020-9-22 08:22:03

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