烟起斗落 发表于 2010-6-17 02:15:48



LeslieNg 发表于 2010-6-17 03:02:37

你好,多谢关心,本站确系寄放于美国。据网管答复说,近一周来中国网络主线路出了点问题,连接到美国的几个顶层 ISP 均经常出现打开慢甚至无法访问的现象,请大家忍耐谅解。好消息是昨天起情况似乎开始好转了。

Over the past week, many of our customers who live in China have noticed this very problem. According to our bandwidth providers, there have been some problems experience with Chinanet connecting to several top-tier ISPs in the US. We don't know the reason for this, but we have found that the problem does seem to be isolated to Chinanet. I'm sorry that this has been happening to you, and hope that Chinanet resolves this problem quickly.
Thanks, and please let us know if we can assist with anything else.
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